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FREE downloadable activity sheets from the Wildlife Trust

If you’re lucky enough to have a bit of outdoor space at home, you will most likely be wanting to spend as much time out there as possible especially when you have little ones! The Wildlife Trust have come up with LOADS of ideas to help us look after ourselves and nature whilst staying at home.

All of their activities are free to download and print and are super easy to read.

We’ve picked out a few of our favourites but there are so many more to choose from over at the Wildlife Trust.

Be sure to use #everydaywildlife in any pics you post on social media so that the guys over at The Wildlife Trust can see what you have been up to.

  1. MAKE YOUR OWN BINOCULARS – super easy and uses things you are likely to have around the house. This one is especially great for the little people in your house.

Make your own binoculars

2. MAKE A DELUXE HEDGEHOG HOUSE – if you fancy being a little more adventurous you might be interested in making a new home for our spiky friends. Of course, this isn’t one for the children to do on their own so get your tool box out and be prepared to work up a sweat.Make a hedgehog house

3. MAKE YOUR OWN COMPOST – there has never been a better time for children to learn about where our food comes from and how it grows. The best thing about this is that it isn’t just for lockdown, a compost heap is for life!

Of course, this is just a tiny selection, there are so many others to choose from including…

Make a bird feeder
Make a leaf tile
Make your own glow worm
Make a rain stick
All available to download and print at The Wildlife Trust.

So if you have some outdoor space, get those coats on and head outside!

>> You can visit The Wildlife Trust here << 

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