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Exciting & Fun Disability Aids For Children!

If you have a child with additional needs, there are so many fun aids and toys designed for children out there! 

There are so many different types of disability and additional need, so this is a hard one to pin down specifically. The main types of aids we've spotted tend to meet needs that are physical and sensory, with each category having so many other subcategories so we tried to find something for all sorts of need. Please note that our list isn't fully exhaustive so we're sorry if you can't spot anything relevant!

As the mum to a disabled child and friend to many adults and children with various additional needs, we know some great places to find support aids and toys that can help in a fun and engaging way. Disabilities, contrary to attitudes in the past, are becoming less stigmatised and better supported, with most disabled people now preferring to call themselves disabled, although if you prefer 'differently abled' then that is ok too! Even if your little one doesn't have a physical disability, meeting their sensory needs is just as important - invisible disabilities are real too.

Check out our top 10 disability aids, toys and gadgets for children here...

1. Minecraft Weighted Blanket


For anxious children who struggle to settle to sleep, and those who need the pressure for self regulation, a weighted blanket is a must-have. My son LOVES his Minecraft weighted blanket and is so much more settled at night now.

Buy it here*

2. Sensory Body Sock


Sensory body socks aren't that well known but they SHOULD be. They're great for children with sensory needs - whether they're neurodiverse or not! These socks help a child to get the proprioceptive and deep pressure sensory input that they may crave to self regulate. We love ours!

Buy it here*

3. Fidget & Sensory Kit


Ok, can we talk about how awesome this fidget kit is? Like I said before, any child can get something out of sensory toys, and this kit is HUGE. It would make a great gift for a child too, we think... There are so many different ways that a child can get some sensory input with the variety that this kit includes.

Buy it here*

4. Disability Doll Walker


We LOVE this toy walker designed for dolls - the Etsy vendor's daughter has Cerebral Palsy, and she started to make these to make sure that her daughter could relate to her dolls.

Buy it here*

5. Personalised Surgery Doll


This doll can be customised to be as relatable to your little one as you need, and we could not love it more. It's great that more and more toy makes are creating dolls that can resemble their owner, in more ways than just hair, skin and eye colour. This sort of inclusion is so important!

Buy it here*

6. Doll With Down Syndrome


Parents in the Down Syndrome community are raving about this beautiful doll! It's wonderful to be able to give ALL children a doll that they can relate to. Inclusion can be done in so many ways, and this is just one wonderful way.

Buy it here*

7. Ear Defenders


If your little one struggles with loud or sudden noises, ear defenders are a must-have. How cool are these transport ear defenders?!

Buy them here*

8. Whizzy Dizzy Spinning Chair


Some children with additional needs benefit from 'movement breaks' at home and at school. This is quite literally a break from their work in order to fulfil some sort of movement in order to self regulate, calm down, and maybe burn some energy. These spinning chairs are proving to be really popular and successful in helping children with the need for vestibular sensory input!

Buy it here*

9. Indoor Doorway Gym Set


Oh. My. GOODNESS! How cool is this doorway gym set?! We can see all kids going mad for one of these for their birthday, but in particular, some types of additional needs call for opportunities to climb, swing and move in a safe and supervised way. A lot of parents say that this sort of kit (with a crash mat underneath) helps to divert dangerous climbing elsewhere, and this particular kit comes highly praised.

Buy it here*

10. Harkla Sensory Swing


This swing is basically a hybrid of the sensory sock and the spinning chair - with the added option to swing to and fro, round and round too! What child doesn't want a swing in their bedroom?!

Buy it here*

Our verdict...

There are so many different areas of need and types of disability, so we wish that we could have put together an exhaustive list to meet every single sort of need. We hope that our top 10 contains something relevant and interesting to you and your children - all of these gadgets are raved about by parents in our community!

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