This is it. The final few weeks of your pregnancy, weeks 29-40 (or so) are your third trimester.
You’re likely to experience more physical symptoms as you and your baby get bigger, with the tiredness of trimester one popping up again. It’s an exciting time with your baby’s arrival so close but it can be a really worrying time thinking about what’ll happen during labour and how you’ll cope.
It’s a good idea to lean on your network now, whether that’s your partner, friends and family, your midwife or other mums you meet online or at antenatal classes.
Your baby should move around a lot but every baby has a different pattern. If you notice any changes or can’t feel any movement then call your midwife or maternity unit.
What should I do in the third trimester?
- Go to antenatal classes and keep up that healthy balanced diet and gentle exercise.
- Make a final decision about where you want to give birth and talk it over with your midwife.
- Watch out for any changes in your baby’s movement patterns, you don’t need to count kicks.
- Think about when you’ll start maternity leave. You can start your maternity leave 11 weeks before your expected due date.
- Watch out for signs of pre-eclampsia including headaches, blurry vision and swollen hands, feet and face.
- Get your hospital bag ready by 36 weeks.
- Read up on the signs of labour.
- Go to any extra scans or appointments your midwife or doctor has set up for you.
- Give yourself permission to spend a couple of weeks just thinking about yourself. Put your feet up, read a book, take long slow walks, listen to music - anything that makes you feel relaxed and good.
By the end of your pregnancy, the average baby weighs just over 3kg (or 7 and a half pounds) and around 50cms. But there’s a big variation on either side in weight and height.
You did a brilliant job of growing your baby for the last 40 weeks and your life is about to change - it’s the craziest, most wonderful journey. Welcome to the best club in the world - being a mum.
Read: What to expect in your 2nd trimester
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