The middle part or second trimester of your pregnancy is from week 13 to week 28; months four, five and six.
It’s when your pregnancy starts to feel real, you share the news with the world and you start to notice changes in your body.
You’ll probably feel at your best in this part of your pregnancy, as the symptoms of the first trimester fade and you get your energy back. And sometime around 16-22 weeks you should feel your baby move for the first time.
You might notice some niggles pop up as you reach the end of this trimester such as pelvic pain, Braxton Hicks and anxiety and it’s a good idea to chat through any changes in your body or mood with your midwife or GP.
You’ll have your ‘big’ scan around 20 weeks. If you were a bit baffled by the prawn looking alien you saw at your 12-week scan this time you’ll see a very real looking baby. And you can find out if you’re having a boy or a girl (if you want to).
What should I do in the second trimester?
- Book your antenatal classes - the lists get full quickly.
- You can stop taking folic acid but keep up a balanced diet and gentle exercise.
- Decide if you want any tests doing around your 20-week scan, your midwife or doctor can offer advice and support.
- Decide if you want to find out your baby’s gender at your 20-week scan.
- Go shopping (yay) for maternity clothes, and invest in a decent bra if your boobs have grown.
- If you haven’t got it yet ask your midwife or doctor for your MAT B1 form. You’ll need this to get maternity pay and benefits and you can get it from 20 weeks onwards. It’s also a good idea to let your employer know you’re preggers.
- Consider if you want a home or hospital birth and explore options with your midwife.
- If you want one, plan a baby shower or gender reveal. If you don’t want a fuss then let people know!
- Start thinking about what to put in your hospital bag.
By the end of week 28 your baby weighs one whole kilogram (1kg) and on a scan you can see their arms and legs kicking around. Over the final trimester your baby packs on the pounds ready for their grand entrance.
13 weeks pregnant - all you need to know
14 weeks pregnant - all you need to know
15 weeks pregnant - all you need to know
16 weeks pregnant - all you need to know
17 weeks pregnant - all you need to know
18 weeks pregnant - all you need to know
19 weeks pregnant - all you need to know
20 weeks pregnant - all you need to know
21 weeks pregnant - all you need to know
22 weeks pregnant - all you need to know
23 weeks pregnant - all you need to know
24 weeks pregnant - all you need to know
25 weeks pregnant - all you need to know
26 weeks pregnant - all you need to know
27 weeks pregnant - all you need to know
28 weeks pregnant - all you need to know
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