Ovarian cysts & Pregnancy – Our Story.
So I guess it’s safe to say our beautiful baby girl is a miracle! Every time I look at her she reminds me of how truly precious she is to me.
Jake and myself have been together for almost 10 years, I was 15 when I met him and I must admit I fell in love instantly! Don’t get me wrong, it hasn’t been the smoothest journey but I wouldn’t change it for the world. In April last year we moved in together and bought our tiny grey chihuahua, life was pretty good.
Three years ago I was rushed to hospital to be told I have a cyst on my right ovary.
Following a week in hospital, my 8×10 cm cyst burst and bled into my ovary causing me to need emergency surgery. Waking up the following day, I never thought for one second my life wouldn’t be the same. I piled on weight, I stopped exercising and become conscious of every twinge and pain.
Fast forward two years and after seeing the doctor it was brought to light that we may struggle to conceive, after a few months of silliness and no surprise baby my doctor gave us some advice – ”…try now for 6 months, if you don’t fall pregnant we need to look into other options (IVF) or carry on as usual and we can look into it when you’re ready.
” I sat with Jake that night and without hesitation he said what I wanted to hear! So I’m sure you can guess what happened next . Now, alongside our efforts my doctor had booked me monthly scans to see if everything was working and for three months solid we was told I wasn’t ovulating or releasing eggs! Then one Tuesday morning after a night of eating lots of cake I wasn’t feeling myself, my sister in law talked me into taking a test and OMG! I’m pregnant! Of course everyone was so relieved and happy! Shocked but happy
Here comes the hard par t- bear with me – so 16 weeks into my pregnancy and I’m hit with a horrible pain that I instantly recognised, I was taken to hospital and after a scan yes you guessed it, cyst on my right ovary! The consultant, doctor and surgeon came to see us after a lengthy conversation and delivered us the news, along with possible outcomes.
As the cyst was a lot bigger and due to the outcome of my previous cyst I was told to prepare for the worst outcome: if the cyst was to twist or rupture surgery would be needed and we would be at high risk of loosing our baby! This news hit hard! Of course we was told they would keep an eye on me and I’m sure all will be ok! We were devastated.
After regular scans and checks the cyst seemed to be stable, we was told to continue as normal and on due date our perfect Mae was born! Now I met a mum to be who was going through exactly what I was going through however was told the best thing would be to abort! I was shocked when I was told this, abort!!! How could a doctor think that would be the best option? I was so worried that this poor mum to be would follow the advice, so I explained my story and what I was told.
At the end of the day this is your child and your body and you have the final say! Be strong and listen to your own instincts, yes, I was scared thinking any day my cyst could twist and the worst could happen but every day I had to remain positive – for Mae!
Unfortunately I am still suffering with ovarian cysts but today I am a lot stronger than I was before.
This post is for any mum to be or dad to be that is going through what we went through… it’s ok to be scared but your’re not alone, stay positive and if we can get through it then you can too
Written by Sasha French for her blog, Mae&Me.
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