Written by Joanna Johnston for her blog, Lily B and Me.
You can follow her on Facebook and Instagram.
Who would have thought that at 4 months postpartum, I would have more body confidence than I have ever had in my life.
Sure, I’m half a stone heavier than before I was even pregnant, and yes I have some tiger stripes ( that I wear with pride) but my body gave me my beautiful daughter and for this I love it!
I probably shouldn’t feel surprised that I have been approached several times by lovely ladies with an ‘oh so super’ secret to share with me for how I can ‘fix’ my mum tum ( NO THANKS -my baby LOVES cuddling into it)
Let me tell you I have been both ends of the scales. I have been super skinny and heavy too! When my mental health was at its lowest, I was visiting the gym 5/6 days a week, twice a day. I counted calories like they were pennies before payday and wrote down my weight daily (sometimes twice a day because that big lunch counted). I was a size 6 and had reached my target to be under 8 stone. Was I happy? Was I fuck! I was miserable. Obsessed with the number on a scale, convinced that it would solve my unhappiness. It didn’t by the way.
As someone with neurofibromatosis, it has taken me almost 30 years to love my body, birth marks, tumors and yes my rolls too. I have come a long way and have no intention of going back.
So when I get these messages in my inbox, telling me about a fab solution to my extra lbs, or telling me I’d be an FAB ASSET to their team and can make some extra cash (pyramid scheme!!), I get so mad.
My guess is these people search a hashtag, #newmum #newbaby #proudmummy, and target who they consider to be vulnerable people. People who they think will definitely be struggling with body confidence and decide that they can make a quick few quid of someone elses insecurities.
Since getting engaged I have joined some amazing Facebook bridal/wedding planning groups and I see this on these pages all the time. Lovely women heart brokenly asking if they look heavy or fat because they have received private messages from these vultures ‘hey hun, I seen your pics in your dress and I can help you look fab on your wedding day!’ Listen bitch, she looks fab already and doesn’t need your potions.
People like this sort of approach about as much as they like the pesky PPI callers. Also the world and it’s mother knows that your shakes, juices and pills DON’T WORK! Nothing is a replacement for eating right and regular exercise. (Twice a day is not required! Do what suits you.) There is no quick fix or easy route to a healthy lifestyle. More importantly, a small waist is never as important than a healthy mind!
So ladies, in short, your bodies are wonderful just as they are, baby or no baby, size 6 or size 16. Do what you want, eat what you want and if a diet product seller approaches you, eat them too!!
Joanna and Lily x