It has long been known that there are many benefits of exercising during pregnancy…
It can boost energy levels, ease aches and pains, and reduce post-delivery recovery times. But the benefits don’t end there!
According to new research carried out by the Technical University of Madrid, it can also impact how long expectant mums spend in labour. The study group for this research was split into two groups of healthy women. One group was given a moderate exercise programme to follow three times a week throughout their pregnancy, the other was not.
Several factors where analysed while each woman gave birth, including the duration of each stage of labour, the mode of delivery, maternal weight gain, use of an epidural and the weight of the baby.
“A supervised physical exercise programme throughout pregnancy decreased the duration of the first phase of labour as well as total time of the first two phases together, leading to a decrease in total labour time,” Professor Ruben Barakat wrote.
The women in the exercise group were also less likely to use an epidural during childbirth.
If you’re new to exercise though you should definitely consult your Midwife / GP before starting a new programme, and ease yourself into it gradually. Walking and swimming are fab ways to gently exercise while pregnant.
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