Today, 26th September 2017, is World Contraception day! What exactly is it?
“Launched in 2007, WCD’s mission is to improve awareness of contraception and to enable young people to make informed choices on their sexual and reproductive health.” (WCD Worldwide)
Their main vision? To create a world where every single pregnancy is wanted and cherished.
Supported internationally by numerous NGO’s (meaning Non Government Organisations) such as Marie Stopes as part of a coalition, the campaign aims to raise awareness of access to contraceptive choices for young people.
They aim to support young adults worldwide to find answers to fundamental questions;
- Which method protects against STIs?
- What about convenience of use?
- How effective are they?
You can learn more about World Contraception Day here!
What are your thoughts?
- Do you think there is enough awareness amongst young people of their contraceptive choices?
- Do you agree with WCD‘s vision of every pregnancy being wanted as a result of their campaigning?
- What contraception do YOU use? Would you recommend it?
Thanks for reading! I hope that this helped to open an important dialogue on contraception.
Love from Katie. Xx