When your little one needs medical attention from A&E, it can all be very traumatic and stressful for everyone involved!
Our NHS works incredibly hard whilst under immense pressure and insane targets in order to give us high quality medical treatment; next time you’re at a hospital, just sit and watch for a moment. The doctors & nurses you’re looking at probably haven’t eaten in a good 5-6 hours, are possibly bursting for a wee and in desperate need of a quick coffee… They soldier on to patch us up and then move onto the next patient.
6 months ago, daddy Simon Enver was in the position that all parents dread – a trip to A&E with his little one!
He was so impressed by the treatment that they received that now, every month without fail, he brings in a huge order of pizzas to the children’s A&E department where his little boy was treated, to show his appreciation for the hard work and dedication. We think that this is such a fabulous way of ‘paying it forward’ and bringing a little more positivity to the world, don’t you agree?
We hope that this lovely story inspires other mummies & daddies to show their support and appreciation for those who work tirelessly to help us and our families. Even just a heartfelt thank you goes a long way for morale!
Enjoy your pizza, everyone!
Find the original post by Leanne Atkinson below (we’ve had permission to share!);
So there I am, working on the front desk in the children's A&E department. It's after 6am and the Saturday night shift…
Posted by Leanne Atkinson on Sunday, 10 November 2019
Love from Katie & Team BBY. Xx