Tough love.
The squire learnt a little lesson today through the means of this thing that is tough love.
Though my baby still be a tender 11 months old, but I shit you not, he is not a bit stupid.
He understands many things, he understand excitment, happiness, rejoicing when hes made an achievement or done something new, for example the other day he took a few steps all on his own, I was clapping and jumping up and down shouting YAYYYYYY WELL DONE!!!! and he was giggling and smiling and celebrating too, he knew he had achieved something. However, he also understands NO! he understands that when he is told no, that means stop what hes doing or come away from wherever he is.
Usually he is a good boy and will do what he is told, like all children though, he has his moments, and he will test me.
This occasion isn’t the first time he has tested me, and this for sure wont be the last, I needed to put my guilt aside and teach him a lesson.
Josh and I have a super king size bed, it’s also quite high off the ground, and every morning I bring Lochlann in here to have his baba (bottle) and then to play for a bit, I’m always so conscious of him on this bed because he has already rolled off it once, the guilt of that happening killed me!
He will always crawl near the edge or sit right near the edge, I’m forever shouting NO! come away from there, and pulling him away. This morning, my son being the little testing turd today that he is, kept going back to the edge all the while looking at me with this evil, impish grin on his face, he knew exactly what he was doing. Yet again, I scolded NO! and pulled him away, he laughed then made a beeline for the other edge of the bed, I had to think quickly here, do I save him from the edge of the bed or teach him a lesson and let him “fall”.
And over the edge my son went, I could hear him gasp of shock, little did he know, and little did you all know while reading this, I had a hold of his legs and his vest, he was never going to fall over completely, but just enough to shock him.
He let out a yell and I pulled him back up, he cried, believe me I felt the same guilt I’d have felt if he had of fallen off completely, for making him cry, however, he has learnt a lesson, he hasn’t gone back near the edge, yet he isn’t scarred for life.
Tough love isn’t as bad as people make it out, don’t be afraid to use it.
Just Luca ✌