The 13th of November is World Kindness Day.
What is World Kindness Day?
World Kindness Day is an awareness event observed globally and supported by organisations like The Random Acts of Kindness (RAK). The day is aimed at normalising kindness, and encouraging global citizens to quite simply… be nice.
As mummies and daddies, it’s a pretty relevant topic. Parenthood is bloomin’ tough, I’m sure we’ll all agree, so there are times where a simple act of kindness can be a much needed chink of sunshine on a gloomy day. We’ll definitely be taking World Kindness Day to heard and making sure that we’re more mindful of how we can be even a little bit kinder to people around us, whether blood relatives or complete strangers.
How Can Society Be Kinder To Parents?
We asked the parents over in our online community… what simple acts of kindness make the most difference to parents? The response was fantastic, and we hope that it’ll inspire our readers to reflect on whether they could become kinder.
Me: Even a small smile from a stranger in a shop when Max is having a tantrum is, for me, a huge act of kindness. It reassures me! Also, stepping aside to let you and the buggy through first on a narrow bit of pavement is so helpful. One of my favourites is when complete strangers stop, in both lanes on one of the busiest main roads in my county (with no crossing for miles, weirdly) to let me cross the road with Max outside of nursery.
Caitlin Forsyth: if someone can see you struggling with changing bag, car seat/pram, toddler and the rest of the things us mothers have to take out, just simply helping hold the door or something
Kirsty Lambert: I was on the bus with my 3 year old and a new born and it was rammed, an elderly man stood up to let my 3 year old sit down because it was so unsafe for him to stand. Hormones fully kicked in and I started to cry! I couldn’t thank that man enough! Got off the bus to do my shopping and what not and then got on another bus to go home and there he was again, I gave my son a box of chocolates which was originally a Christmas present, to give to the man, he was so happy! He then gave my son £5 when he got off the bus! I will never ever forgot this, or that man! Honestly kindness is such a big thing to me no matter what the age. One good turn, deserves another.
Other Ideas For Random Acts of Kindness
RAK has some excellent ideas for random acts of kindness that could really benefit the people around you here. There are so many uplifting ways that you can make a difference in ways that aren’t expensive or overly elaborate, so why not take part?
The image below is perfect to use for some kindness inspiration, and if you share it on your social media, you could be starting a huge wave of acts of kindness!
Tell us in the comments… what acts of kindness do YOU appreciate the most as a parent?
Love from Katie & Team BBY. Xx