Ever found yourself saying, “Sorry darling that’s far too spicy, you won’t like it”, about a cold slab of cheese pizza calling you from the kids party buffet? It’s only fair right?
They’ve eaten their own body weight in jelly and ice cream. You’ve endured 3 terrible hours of 30 sweaty, knee high lunatics running around a grimy soft play centre. So that’s that. You’re having the last slice.
This evening’s post has been inspired by a lovely reader who shared a story about how she told her daughter a white lie to get her off the potty and onto the big girls toilet. Got me thinking about the lies I was told and what I’ve told my daughter. When I say lies. I mean the things we HAVE to say to keep what’s left of our sanity.
So from my childhood I remember a few silly things. They were mainly superstitions. My nan would never let us touch an egg without washing our hands because we would get warts. My other half told Erin that if she drank the bath water she would get worms, and that was passed down from his nan, he’s adamant it’s true! You know the drill.
But then there’s the hilarious ones that get us through the trying toddlerhood times. So what are yours?
I think our favourite of the moment, and try not to judge us here, is the ice cream man being out of ice cream when you hear his music playing