How on earth has 5 weeks gone by already?! I’m not quite sure how we have survived this fog of becoming a family of 4 but we have DONE IT!
Last week was quite possibly the hardest, my 2 year old unfortunately had a UTI, which meant temperatures of over 40 and a course of antibiotics.
The best bit was trying to get a urine sample from a toddler who isn’t potty trained and complains it hurts every time they wee. During this week Mr. N decided that he needed feeding every 1 – 2 hours for a chunk of nights was necessary … all of this whilst I had mastitis. Literally, my boob never felt so sore, you can imagine latching a baby every 1 – 2 hours on a boob that felt like it has needles poking it every time anything brushed the skin … and when I say boob I mean the whole thing, not just the nipple and a bad latch type pain.
Needless to say I am super happy to be into week number 5 which is already much much better… no UTI… no mastitis… Mr. N still feeding 1 – 2 hourly, but that’s fine with me now it doesn’t hurt.
So, how is it having a newborn again? Well, very very strange.
It feels totally different from when I had Miss. I. I realised how rubbish I felt both mentally and physically. Physically having no stitches has made such a difference, I can move around easily without being in pain and I can sit and breast feeding without bring scared of ripping my stitches. Within the first two weeks, we had already ventured to see friends, been out for coffee, walked the dog, done washing etc, All of which helped me feel amazing and like ‘normal’. My SPD played up for the first 2 – 3 weeks and made long walks difficult, but now its cleared up I am enjoyed venturing outside for walks in the sun.
Breastfeeding has gone so well this time, once the initial engorgement settled down and Mr. N could latch properly. we seem to have somehow managed to continue for 5 whole weeks! He is also putting on weight, he’s not gaining loads and has dropped a centile, BUT he is growing and being premature the health visitor has said its fine for him at the moment and to just keep an eye… weighing clinic this afternoon for us!
Mentally, I can hand on heart say I’m doing really well. I spent the first 3 weeks worrying that I hadn’t had the baby blues yet, I hadn’t felt overly emotional and I was genuinely waiting for the downfall … and I am pleased to say it hasn’t happened. By this time with Miss. I, I was feeling pretty shocking and not right at all but had no idea why. This time I feel pretty good. Last week I felt pretty emotional and a bit teary but as you have read, it wasn’t exactly the best week in our household.
All in all everything seems to be going really wellTagsPhysio