When I found out I was expecting I done what every mum-to-be does… I read every baby book there was and consumed every piece of advice given to me by friends, family and strangers alike.
I’d go so far as to say I prepared to the point of exhaustion, but felt ready for everything and anything that motherhood had to offer. Naively, I thought I knew what to expect, but in actual fact, I learned more in my first few weeks of being a mum than I did in my entire pregnancy.
It’s one of those situations where you learn better on the job, as it were.
So I thought I’d share the educational journey I’ve had up until now. It might better prepare those of you who are expecting, and it might not… But it’s been a funny old journey so I wanted to share it nonetheless.
- There’s no such thing as over-cuddling your child. Trust me when I say that time flies so get in as many baby cuddles as you can before they no longer let you.
- It’s OK to ask for help. Being a parent/ mum can be very overwhelming , so if people are willing to give you it take it.
- Having a super clean and tidy home (although nice) isn’t the be all and end all – do as much as you can but don’t overdo it. Your time is better spent enjoying your children.
- The baby smell should be bottled – seriously why hasn’t Jo Malone capitalised on this? Inhale as much of that sweet scent while it lasts.
- Baby feet are the most adorable things you will ever see in your life… seriously!
- Poo comes in so many different colours, smells and textures – like a Jackson Pollock I’m telling you!
- The luxury of going to the toilet alone is now a thing of the past – that tiny person will follow you everywhere you go mum, even if its a visit to the porcelain throne.
- You will never leave the house on time again. Accept this fact. No matter how well you prepare there will always be a last minute catastrophe.
- It’s amazing the little amount of sleep you can function on. Yes you will feel like your retinas are burning and that life is moving in slow motion, but you will get through it.
- Baby shoes are EXTORTIONATE, considering the size of them and how long your tiny human will fit into them.
- All of you’re clothes will be covered in vomit, poo, snot and all sorts of food… and you won’t care.
- You’ll develop an irrational hatred for Peppa Pig – embrace it!
- Everyone has an opinion. Whether it was asked for or not. Try to not get caught up in it and take it all with a pinch of salt. You know whats best for your baby. You’re their mum.
- Expensive toys are not a necessity. My son prefers the box the toys come in, so don’t put yourself in a financial burden. Your little one prefers you to any toy.
There it is then… All of the things I’ve learned in my parenting journey so far. Just remember it’s your journey with your little one, and nobody knows how to do the job better than you do. We’re all learning and no parent or mum is perfect, so just do your best and you can’t go wrong.
Take care lovelies,
D x
Written by Danielle McCormack for her blog, The Preemie Mummy.
You can follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram & Youtube!