It’s oh so so easy to take our parents (our babies grandparents) for granted.
Thank you, mum and dad, for everything.
Everything… what is ‘everything’? In my eyes, it’s an overly simplistic term, a word that hides a million and one acts of love and generosity, from the moment I was born and continuing now even though I’ve long flown the nest and have a home & family of my own.
My parents have always been pretty outstanding, even when I’ve been a wee shite. I definitely was NOT an easy child, in fact, I am the very reason why I dread ever having a daughter! If I had a daughter like me, I’d need committing.
Stubborn, kooky, headstrong, a gobshite, always had to be right…
Financially, they were always here with a helping hand when I was stupid with my university student loans and decided to rent a posh apartment with a friend rather than going into halls… although I did work, so I wasn’t too sheltered. I was horrendous with money though, and I called my dad crying more often than I care to admit, embarrassingly. But he was there, and I wouldn’t have got through uni without their help.
Over the years, I have made MANY rash and ridiculous choices – choices that make me want to travel back in time and thump myself senseless – and I didn’t listen to sense. However, my parents let me learn, let me grow and make my own mistakes whilst always being there when I came crying.
To top it all off, we couldn’t have asked for better grandparents to our Max!
It took huge sacrifices and hard work for them, but they moved heaven and earth to move back to Derbyshire from Wiltshire. Financially, it was a huge undertaking but they did it for us. Emotionally, it was draining, but they did it for us. Physically, it was exhausting, but they did it for us.
The day Max was born, the 23rd of August 2016, my parents got and accepted an offer on their Wiltshire house.
Fate? Definitely!
So, back up they came, my younger brother and two barmy dogs in tow, and they moved into a gorgeous, huge, brand new house in our hometown.
Best bit?
It’s literally a FIVE MINUTE WALK from my house!!!!!!!!!
Again, fate? Ha, YES!
I don’t know how we’d have coped without my parents.
Me & Toby both have chronic health conditions; I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, and he has ME. We cope SO well considering our health situation, but the extra support they give us has been valuable beyond measure.
Late night fevers and an empty calpol bottle? They’ve been there if Toby is at work.
Needing childcare for date nights and appointments? Nana and grandad time for Max!
Saturday brunches, Sunday trips to see great nanny Rita at Fradley Junction, with the ducks & longboats on the canal providing entertainment! These precious few hours let me get housework and self care done.
They completely and utterly dote on Max, he’s the apple of their eyes and the love of their lives. Max absolutely returns the feelings! There’s nothing as cute as seeing the look on his face when they come to the door; the smile nearly splits his face in two, his eyes light up like the sun and he sprints (toddler style) to the door with his arms outstretched. When it comes to drop-off time, he insists on being hugged and picked up because he doesn’t want his nana and grandad to go home.
He stands at the window, looking sad, as their car pulls off the drive. Mummy soon cheers him up, of course!
Thank you for everything, mum and dad.
We love you very much and we are so grateful for all the sacrifices you’ve made for us, all the generosity you’ve shown us, and for how amazing you are as grandparents to Max.
Grandparents are too often taken for granted; we hope you know how much we count our lucky stars to have you guys! You’re truly the greatest grandparents ever.
Love from Katie, Toby & Max! Xx
Tell me all about your amazing parents in the comments!
Love from Katie. Xx
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