Happy New Year to all of you lovely readers.
Most of us find ourselves making New Years Resolutions this time of year, but what about New Years Promises? I like to make promises to those I hold dear, especially my little boy, to help enrich his life even more with each passing year. They’re promises I know I can keep too, nothing too unrealistic like ‘I promise to buy you a solid gold potty’, but fun and sentimental things.
My promises to my son Max for this coming year…
- I promise to take you out more often. We live in the heart of the National Forest, and we also have many national trust properties and other exciting adventure locations around us, we’ll take advantage of that and have more fun!
- I promise to do more arts and crafts with you. I love seeing your eyes light up when I get your art box out!
- I promise to be more patient with you. You know how to push my buttons, but I need to take a deep breath sometimes.
- I promise to bake with you at least once a week.
- I promise to get you into nursery for another day as you love it there so very much.
- I promise to put my phone down more – my time is for you.
- I promise to take you on an aeroplane, Majorca perhaps? You’ll love it.
- I promise to take you on a train to see my old friends up in Leeds. I have a feeling you’ll have the time of your life!
- I promise to take you on a boat, perhaps when we go to Devon in May.
- I promise to read with you every single night before bed, without fail.
- I promise to cuddle you every single time you want one, even if I am working.
- I promise to help you finally find your beautiful little voice and help you to speak more.
- I promise to take you to a concert, so we can enjoy some music and dancing together.
- I promise to take you to the soft play waaaay more often because you go absolutely wild with joy when we go!
- Most of all, I promise to make 2019 your best year so far.
Love from Mama & Papa.