One midwife from London took to Twitter to air her frustrations about this time of year. ‘If you know or love a midwife, PLEASE STOP SHAGGING AT CHRISTMAS.’
September 26th is believed to be the busiest day of the year for babies born. What happens only nine months prior? Yep, Christmas.
You may have thought that ‘actually mid November would be a busiest’ but it turns out that November has nothing on September!
Mhairi Maharry from London, jokingly wrote on Twitter:
“How is it only the 5th of September. I can’t take 25 more days of this. If you know or love a midwife, PLEASE STOP SHAGGING AT CHRISTMAS.”
Some of the response’s we’re indeed brilliant:
Gotcha. Shared this w/a sweetheart who gave birth to her first
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