Food banks are such a valuable resource for people finding themselves struggling financially.
Let's face it, it could happen to ANY of us, and there is absolutely no shame in needing to use a food bank in times of great need.
There are over 1,400 Trussell Trust food banks in the UK, in addition to at least 1,172 independent food banks! We've put together this resource of food banks registered with IFAN - Independent Food Network UK - to signpost any of you in need of support to food banks local to you. If you're struggling to find a food bank close to you, your Health Visitor, GP, and local council should be able to signpost you.
The list isn't currently exhaustive but we will be adding to it continuously. We hope to add Scotland, Wales and Ireland to the list with time. Some listings near to county/regional borders may need moving so please let us know if you spot any errors!
Food Banks in North East England
- Jedburgh Food Bank, TD8 6SU, find them on Facebook at @JedburghChurchesFoodbank.
- Wansbeck Valley Food Bank, NE61 3BP, find their website here.
- Families 1st 4 Additional Needs, NE13 7GB
- The Bay Food Bank, NE29 6BA, find their website here.
- Hebburn Helps, NE31 1QY, find their website here.
- Boldon Community Association, NE35 9DS, find their website here.
- Friends of Eastwoods Park, NE42 5DT, find them on Facebook at @MinersLampCafe.
- West Northumberland Food Bank, NE46 3HN, find their website here.
- Washington Community Food Project, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @washingtoncfp. We're finding multiple different postcodes for this food bank so direct contact may be best.
- The Peoples Pantry NE, NE38 8AQ, find them on Facebook at @thepeoplespantryNE.
- Junction 7, DL5 7DZ, find them on Facebook at @Junction7
- The Moses Project, TS18 2AP, find their website here and find them on Twitter at @TProject1.
- Depaul UK - Middlesborough, TS1 5AU, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @depauluk.
- Saltburn Solidarity, TS12 1BH, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @saltburnsolidarityfoodbank.
- Foodbank4Whitby, YO21 3AJ, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @foodbankwhitby.
Food Banks in North West England
- Carlisle Covid-19 Community Help, CA3 8RE
- Carlisle Food Bank, CA1 2DQ, find their website here and find them on Twitter at @CarlisleFbank.
- Food, People, Community, LA4 4HJ
- West End Impact, LA3 1DG, find their website here.
- Sustainability Morecambe, LA3 1TR, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @sustainabilitymorecambe.
- Food for Thought Lancaster, LA1 2AP, find their Facebook group here.
- Eggcup, LA1 1NZ
- The Olive Branch (Faith in Action), LA1 5DB, find their website here.
- Lancaster Community Club, LA1 5DF, find their website here.
- Blackpool Food Bank, FY3 9JJ, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @blackpoolfoodbank.
- Share IT!, PR2 3XA, find them on Facebook at @shareitfoodbank.
- Shoreline Church Food Bank, PR9 0TS
- VOICE, BB1 1EZ, find their website here.
- Bahja Initiative, BB5 0RT, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @bahjainitiativeaccrington.
- Lancashire First, BB11 2DJ, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @lancashirefirst.
- Pendle Food For All, BB9 8EL
- Inspiring Grace, BB9 8SG, find their website here.
- The Grove Community Association, L40 0RZ, find them on Facebook at @groveCA.
- Skelmersdale Community Food Initiative, WN8 8AZ, find them on Facebook at @skelmersdalecommunity.foodinitiative.
- Over 50's Foodbank, BL6 7TD, find them on Facebook at @HurstGreenandOxtedCommunityFridge.
- Pantry Parcels, WN4 9NL, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @stthomasstluke.
- New beginnings - Improving lives cic, L12 0NB, find their website here and find them on Twitter at @beginningsi.
- Independence Initiative Limited, L20 7EJ, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @TheIndyPantry.
- Ibijoke Children Foundation UK, L7 0JA, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @ibijokefoundationuk.
- Asylum Link Merseyside, L7 3HJ, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @asylumlinkmerseyside.
- Micah Liverpool, L1 5JP, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @MicahLiverpool.
- Neo Community, CH42 3YN, find their website here.
- Port Grocery, CH65 0AB
- Sutton Community Food Project, WA9 4RB
- Friends of meadowside cic, WA2 9EP, find the website here.
- Black Country Food Bank (The Small Street Centre), WA1 3PR, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @blackcountryfoodbank.
- King’s Church Warrington, WA1 1BL, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @kingschurchwarrington.
- Royal Oak Community Centre (Food Pantry), M23 1DU
- Wythenshawe Food Poverty Group, M23 0PH, find their website here at their twitter at @bethnalfoodbank.
- L'chaim Food Bank, M7 4LN, find their website here and find their Facebook group here.
- Wem Food Bank, SY13 1LB, @WemFoodBank
- St Paul's Pantry, CW1 3BY, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @stpaulscentre.
- The Pantry@Sandbach Hub, CW11 1DG
- New Life Church - The Storehouse Foodbank, CW12 4EY, find their website here.
- Better Together Community Support Group for Stoke-on-Trent and NuL, ST4 5LU, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @betterstoke.
- Stone Community Hub Limited, ST15 8NA, find their website here and find them on Twitter at stonecommhub.
Food Banks in Yorkshire and the Humber
- Living Hope Food Bank, HG4 3JE, find their website here.
- EMS Ltd Hull, HU9 3QB
- Mission Trinity Goole, DN14 5QL, find their website here.
- Thorne and Moorends Community Hub and Food Bank, DN8 4EZ.
- DN7 Community Foodbank, DN7 4HT, find them on Facebook at @DN7FoodBank.
- Edlington Community Organisation, DN12 1AB, find their website here.
- Sunnyside Supplies, S66 3RL, find their website here and find them on Facebook here.
- Skipton Food Bank, BD23 2JE, find their website here.
- Pendle Food For All, BB9 8EL.
- St Mary's / St Andrews Food Project, LS5 3PN, find their Facebook here.
- CFYDC (CHANCE) t/a Chapeltown Youth Development Centre, LS7 2HJ, find their website here and find their Facebook at @ChapeltownYouthDC.
- St Aidan's Church Leeds -Food Share, LS8 5DQ, find their website here.
- Neruka's Soup Kitchen, LS8 5ES.
- Holbeck Food Bank, LS1 4ND, find their website here.
- St Luke's, LS11 8PD, find their website here.
- Leeds Middleton Foodbank, LS10 4EY, find them on Facebook here.
- Batley Food Bank, WF17 5DT, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @batleyfood.
- Cleckheaton Foodbank, BD19 5AR, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @cleckheatonfoodbank.
- The Magic Wishing Well, WF15 8HG, find their website here.
- Humanity First Food Bank, WF14 8AB.
- The Welcome Centre, HD1 1RA, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @TheWelcomeCentreHudds.
- Colne Valley Help, HD3 4SS, find their wesbite here and find them on Facebook at @colnevalleyhelp.
- Caring for Kendray, S70 3DA, find them on Facebook at @caringforkendray.
- Hemsworth Food Pantry, WF9 4AT, find them on Facebook at @hemsworthfoodbank.
- South Kirkby Help, WF9 3AP
- Edlington Community Organisation, DN12 1AB, find their website here.
- PXI Parson Cross Initiative Projects, S5 8NJ, fi d their website here and find them on Facebook at @pxiprojects.
- Firth Park Cultural Centre, S5 6HB.
- Stannington Foodbank, S6 5HZ
- Shipshape Health and Wellbeing, S11 8AE, find their website here.
- Hope Family Arbourthorne, S2 2AN, find their website here and find their Facebook here.
- Grace Food Bank Sheffield, S8 7JB, find their website here and follow them on Facebook at @GraceFoodBankSheffield.
- S20 Food Bank, S20 5EJ, find them on Facebook at @s20foodbank.
- Bassetlaw Food Bank, S80 2TU, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @bassetlaw.foodbank.
- Bridge Church Food Bank, DN22 6AA.
Food banks in the West Midlands
- Black Country Food Bank (The Lamp Foodbank), WS8 7JW, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @blackcountryfoodbank.
- Black Country Food Bank (The Thomas Project), WS9 8HB, same website and Facebook as previous entry.
- Black Country Food Bank (The Rock), WS1 1TJ, same website and Facebook as previous entry.
- Black Country Food Bank (Springs), DY3 1YB, same website and Facebook as previous entry.
- Lea Road Church Community Food Project, WV3 0LW, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @Learoadfood.
- Hope Food - North Birmingham, B75 5ED, find them on Facebook at @hopefoodnorthbirmingham.
- Sutton Coldfield Baptist Church, B72 1TA, find their website here.
- Slawa Birmingham, B23 5GY
- St Michael's Church Food Bank, B18 5LB, find them on Facebook here.
- Salma Food Bank, B66 1QG, find their website here.
- NewStarts, B45 0JA, find their website here.
- Hollymoor Community Church, B31 5ER, find them on Facebook at @HollymoorCommunityChurch.
- Friends of Isaacs Food Bank, B98 7RP, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @FriendsofIsaacsFoodBank.
- Caring Hands, WR11 4AD, find their website here.
- Ledbury Food Bank, HR8 1AR, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @ledburyfoodbank.
- Bromyard Food Bank, WR6 5TB, find them on Facebook here.
Food Banks in the East Midlands
- Stafford and Surrounds Community food support, ST16 2AJ, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @staffordandsurroundscommunityfoodsupport.
- House of Bread, ST18 0GB, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @h.o.b.stafford.
- Burton HOPE, DE14 1HA, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @BurtonHOPE.
- Aspire Community and Wrestling Alliance Ltd, DE21 6DJ, find them on Facebook at @aspirewrestlingalliance.
- Sharing Not Wasting, DE56 1LP
- Hope for Belper, DE56 1BA, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @hopeforbelper.
- Canaan Trust, NG10 1GR, find their websire here.
- Broxtowe Community Projects, NG9 4AE, find them on Facebook at @BroxtoweCommunityProjects.
- NGC Community Hub, NG6 0JU, find their website here.
- Food Aid - Blidworth, NG21 0PX
- Calvary Mansfield - Gap Cafe, NG18 3FS
- Freedom Community Project, S44 6LY
- Sleaford New Life Community Larder, NG34 7JP, find their website here.
- Mosaic Food Bank, LE3 8BG, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @mosaicchurchleic.
- Soar Valley Community Food Project, LE4 4DQ, find them on Facebook here.
- ChristChurch Hub, LE5 2HQ, find their website here and find them on Facebook here.
- Edible Links, CV9 2QX, find them on Facebook at @Ediblelinks17.
Food Banks in the East of England
- Eudaimonia/ Super Kitch, DN21 1SN, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @eudaimoniacio.
- Caistor Food Bank, LN7 6UF, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @caistorfoodbank.
- Lincoln Community Larder - St Mary's Church, Welton, LN2 3HZ, find their website here.
- Lincoln Community Larder - St John The Baptist Parish Church Hall, LN2 2ES, find their website here.
- Lincoln Community Larder - YMCA Annex, LN2 5AR, find their website here.
- Bardney Local Area Foodbank, LN3 5TZ
- Sleaford New Life Community Larder, NG34 7JP, find their website here.
- Agapecare Foodbank, PE11 2XP, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @LighthouseChurchSpalding.
- Holbeach Community Larder & Cafe, PE12 7LL, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @allsaintsholbeach.
- Sutton Bridge Community Larder, PE12 9SA, find them on Facebook at @StMatthewsSuttonBridge.
- Soul Foundation, NR6 6RF, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @soulfoundation.
- Crown Hotel, IP25 6AB
- Storehouse Foodbank, Stour Valley Vineyard Church, CO10 1NP, find their website here.
- Newmarket Open Door, CB8 9AP, find their website here.
- Littleport Independent Foodbank, CB6 1PS
- The Food Pantry, IP26 4AA, find them on Facebook here.
- Paston Farm Community Foundation, PE4 7XB, find them on Facebook at @pastonfarmcommunityfoundation.
- Open Door Baptist Church, PE1 3PF, find their website here.
- Social Echo North Huntingdonshire, PE7 3AT, find their website here.
- Yaxley Foodbank, PE7 3LH, find their website here.
- Huntingdonshire Community Group, PE29 1PE
- Diamond Hampers, PE28 4QA
Food Banks in the South East
- Hive Hope, DA11 9EU, find their website here.
- Tara Martins Community Project, ME4 4BY, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @taramartinscommunityproject.
- Noah's Ark Food Bank, ME5 9QG
- Hungry hearts for the homeless, ME15 6YH, find them on Facebook at @hungryheartsforthehomeless.
- Canterbury Food bank, CT5 3PS
- Our Kitchen on the isle of Thanet (CIC), CT9 1DX, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @OurKitchenThanet.
- Warming Up The Homeless, TN34 3AD
- Surviving the Streets UK, TN34 1ET, find their website here and find them on Twitter at @survivinguk.
- The Marketplace running out of Sidley Baptist church, TN39 5BX
- The Vale Community Centre Foodbank, BN2 0FH, find their website here.
- Worthing Vegan Food Bank, BN11 4BL, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @WorthingVeganFoodBank.
- Worthing Food Foundation (Formerly East Worthing Food Bank & now part of Les Alden Foundation), BN11 2NA, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @WorthingFoodFoundation.
- Crawley Open House, RH10 1TN, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @CrawleyOpenHouse.
Food Banks in the South West
- Transformation CPR, TR14 8HW, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @TransCPR.
- Camelford and Neighbours Community Larder, PL32 9PB, find their website here and find them on Facebook here.
- The Pantry at Tintagel Social Hall, PL34 0AB
- Provide Devon, PL5 3LS, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @providedevon.
- Kingsbridge Area FoodBank, TQ7 1ND, find them on Facebook at @KingsbridgeFoodbank.
- Food in Community, TQ9 7UU, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @FoodinCommunityCIC.
- Dartmoor Community Kitchen Food Bank, TQ13 9BP, find their website here.
- People Matter, EX15 1JX, find their website here.
- Teign Valley Larder CIC (Doddiscombsleigh), EX6 7PS, find their website here.
- Axminster Health & Wellbeing Centre, EX13 5DZ, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @axminsterwellbeing.
- East Bridgwater Local Pantry, TA6 4QZ, find them on Facebook here.
- Chard Lord's larder, TA20 1QA, find their website here.
- Love Glastonbury, BA6 9EL, find them on Facebook at @LoveGlastonburyCommunity.
- Wells Vineyard Foodbank, BA5 1DA, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @wellsstorehousefoodbank.
- Fair Frome, BA11 1EB, find their website here.
- Bath Vegan Food Bank (a Vegans Against world Hunger project), BA1 5AE, find their website here and find their Facebook at @vegansagainstworldhunger.
- Victoria Park Baptist Church, BS3 5DA, find their website here.
- Swindon Food Collective, SN15 4PR, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @swindonfoodcollective.
- Mother Earth Foundation, RG31 4QT
- FoodShare, SL6 3DS, find their website here.
Faithworks Wessex (Blandford Food Bank), DT11 7DQ, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @faithworkswessex.
Food Banks in London
- Sufra NW London, NW10 0PW, find their website here.
- Centre of Help and Hope, NW10 2JD, find their website here.
- St Laurence's Larder & Open Kitchen, NW6 7BG, find their website here.
- West Hampstead Community Food Hub, NW6 2BA, find their website here.
- The People's Army, N7 6AA
- Lifeafterhummus Community Benefit Society, NW1 1ES, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @lifeafterhummus.
- Harvesters' Soup Kitchen, E2 8AN
- Bethnal Green Foodbank, E2 9LY, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @BowFoodbank.
- Bow Foodbank, E3 3BT, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @BowFoodbank.
- Newham FoodBank, E13 8QB, find their website here.
- Hive Hope, DA11 9EQ, find their website here.
- Eltham & Mottingham Community Foodbank, SE9 5DN
- Come out of Hiding The Lighthouse Network, SE13 5JX, find their website here.
- My 2nd Chance, SE14 5DJ, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @my2ndchanceMH.
- Legendary Community Club, SE8 3QQ, find them on Facebook at @LegendaryCClub.
- Spring Community Hub (St Pauls Church), SE17 3QU, find their website here.
- Bethel Outreach, SW9 7SH
- Waste Not Want Not Battersea, SW11 4LD, find them on Facebook at @WasteNotWantNotProject.
- The Vestry St Lukes Church, SW3 6NH
- Earlsfield Food Bank, find their website here and find them on Facebook at @earlsfieldfoodbank2020.
- Rackets Cubed - Roehampton Community Box, SW15 4LJ, find their website here.
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