Christmas Presents... What is 'Enough'?

Why do we even ask ourselves or others this question?
I know exactly why… Facebook and other social media platforms, whilst super useful and an overall asset to communications, has sadly instilled a streak of competitiveness that whilst has always been there (come on, mummy competitiveness has always been a thing), but has become so much more intense as now our news feeds become dominated with posts from celebrity influencers showing how extravagant their Christmas splendour is, with glitzy decorations, pristine matching outfits and pearly smiles, making so many of us feel inadequate when in reality, they've probably got the budget for a professional photographer and those gorgeous, very expensive, twinkly glass baubles that wouldn't last one minute in most houses! Take what you see on social media with a pinch of salt.
So, this brings us onto the all-important question; what is 'enough'?
Simple answer. YOU are enough.
You’ve worked and saved for your child, whatever you can afford or decide to budget for your child IS ENOUGH, as long as they also have your love, warmth, support and nurturing. The kid who gets the brand new iMac and £10,000 worth of other cool gadgets may be raised by cold and distant parents who use material possessions to make up for their lack of emotional presence in their kids life - not to say that wealthy parents are all cold and distant, obviously. The child who gets a new dolly from B&M Bargains, a stocking full of clementines and a Peppa Pig DVD may be the most loved and cherished child on the face of the earth. There is no price tag on love and nurturing.
Spend £1000, spend £100, spend £10… as long as your child is loved, it honestly is enough.