New Years Eve is almost upon us – do you have plans to celebrate and see the New Year in?
For parents everywhere, finding child care for the big night can be a problem. Most of our usual babysitters will have their own plans, and grandparents might also have been invited to parties themselves so it’s probably the hardest night of the year to get any form of child care arranged.
However, it isn’t the end of the world if you can’t go out on the town with your partner or friends sans kids. You can still mark the start of 2023 and have a fabulous evening with your children included, and let’s face it, there are 365 days in a year – you can go out on an adults only night another time when your favourite baby sitter is actually available!
We asked the parents over in our online community to tell us how they’re celebrating New Years with their kids around…
Leanne: My ten year old wants to stay up until midnight so we’re gonna put out loads of food and munchies get the baby to bed and just have a quiet one playing games and watching movies until the countdown, I couldn’t think of anything better than seeing the new year in with my little family and it’ll be the first time my eldest will see it in with us ( if she manages to stay awake).
Nadia: Our local church celebrates Kenya new year so it’s 6-9pm. They have food and bouncy castle and a disco. I have a 6 and 3 year old so it’s perfect time to celebrate the new year early!
Emma: Little one will be asleep with me in bed lol… will be watching Netflix probably!
Jessica: We will be having a take away with films then when little one goes to bed me and my husband will have a couple of drinks with munchies and probably go to bed then!
Bev: We’re taking the kids to winter wonderland and then home for a takeaway.
Jennifer: We do a Russian New Year’s Eve party for the kiddies, as our 9pm is midnight in Russia!
Becky: Probably just put our little girl to bed and then get a takeaway. Last year we stayed up til 12 oclock, said happy new year and went to bed and she had us up at half 5!
Kimberley: We’re having a bonfire, games and snacks!
Abigail: Me and my 3 children are going to a family party at my mums house, she’s got karaoke and things for us all which my two oldest will enjoy! Looking forward to it this year, last year me and my ex just had a take away, few beers and went to bed before midnight, we woke up for 5 mins when we heard fireworks and kissed and went back to sleep, not my idea of a good new years eve!
Marylouise: It’s my sons birthday so big party in the house with friends and family and they’re having a sleepover with grandma this year because we’re going to a friends to ring in the new year.
Emma: We’re having a movie/board game night with my bigger 2, partner doesn’t finish work till 10pm!
Jenny: We are having a “party” with our 3 year old and new born. Finish up the buffet food that we’ve been having, put some music on and do some dancing! Then hopefully have the 3 year old in bed for something reasonable like 9 ish…
Sarah: Might go to movies, drink sparkling juice, have little party sound makers or little popper things. Talk about what we want to change or do in the New Year. Watch the ball drop on TV. The kids usually go to sleep before midnight though.
So the jury is out… Getting a takeaway in or having a mini party and buffet at home with games and movies seems to be the most popular option for parents who have children and no child care arranged. We hope that this insight from real parents has helped to inspire your own plans.
If you’re lucky enough to have child care and have plans to go out on the town to see 2023 in, we hope you have a blast – if not, we hope you have a wonderful evening with your beautiful children.
Happy New Year! Love from Team BBY! Xx