This week is all about what we have been up to the last week. A bit late due to a terrible cold taking over the house…. It hasn’t hit Hubby yet so it’s not that dramatic yet!
Firstly, myself and Hubby experienced our first buggy bus rage.
The bus driver let us on and didn’t tell us that there were other buggies there too in the space provided. Normally this isn’t a problem and all us mums work out the buggy version of tetris with a bit of a laugh and help each other out. This time a member of the non mum public starts to shout at us saying we shouldn’t have got on the bus as there were already two there, to which hubby asks her if she works for TFL (I tried very hard not to laugh out loud!) Then she starts muttering that she was trying to wave at us to tell us that there wasn’t any room, she obviously thought we would be looking out for a busy body at the back of the bus instead of trying to get on the bus, look for oyster cards and make sure we didn’t run anyone over with the buggy.
Then another mum whose buggy is also parked starts to join in and tell us that if her silver cross is damaged or if anything goes missing….. Bla bla bla, just because another mum slightly moved her buggy!
So what we did we do? For once we did nothing and held our tongues (which is not like me) and just watched a load of adults arguing whilst we stood, with our buggy parked, because funny enough our buggy fitted in the space also! So while Silver cross mum and busy body lady carried on bitching and arguing with other passengers, our little princess played a blinder and pulled out the distressed baby card. Crying so much that shushing was not going to soothe her, I said loudly to Hubby ‘it’s because of all the shouting’ and I started to pick her up. Suddenly the atmosphere changed, Silver cross mum realised she was being a d*** and that we have quite a small baby and it was probably due to her that this baby was now crying.
She gave me her seat which I took and they all started being suddenly nice. I was fuming so much that I just said thank you and sat down with bubba otherwise I would have probably been arrested for my actions… After that they all got off and we could calm down and obviously bitch about what had just happened. It took till we got home to calm down and decided the best way to do this was crack open a beer!… Well, it was the afternoon and had been warm!
I also went for a coffee date with a mum I had met on a app for local mums, this really is like online dating and although never online dated myself I’m sure it was just as awkward. Don’t get me wrong, she was very nice and her baby was cute and only 2 days older than mine but there wasn’t much we had in common. We only stayed for about an hour which is a sign it wasn’t meant to be. We might meet up again but I fear it won’t be for a while.
However, I also went for coffee with a mum from our sensory class wand we chatted for hours, the staff would have had to clean around us and shut up shop if we stayed much longer! e just clicked and are very similar. Like they say, when you know, you know!
Madame has also decided to roll onto her side in the night, she can’t do it during the day but in her sleep she can do it with her eyes closed, literally! I have to keep rolling her back and I am currently sleeping with one eye open as it scares the crap out of me! I already have to keep checking that she’s breathing during the night so this just adds to the anxiety!
That’s it for this week. Next week we have the dreaded 16 week jabs (at 18 weeks oops!) to look forward to, a first aid class and learning how to sell stuff online!
Have a good week!