So for this post I’m going to go back to 2014. I was 19 and still in college.
I had been with Jonny for a year, never in a million years did I think I would be saying the words ‘I think I’m pregnant’ to Jonny while I was still studying at college. After telling Jonny, me and him were so excited. I was about to finish college and Jonny had good paying job so it wasn’t like it was going to be a struggle to have a baby. After all I had 3 younger siblings so my mum could always give me advice. I can’t be the only one that was nervous about telling my parents I was pregnant.
So I thought I would bite the bullet and tell Mum first. Imagine the situation – I’m in my bedroom and call Mum in there. I know that Mum would guess as soon as I said ‘I need to talk to you’, she would realise what I was going to say next. Only I didn’t realise what she was going to say next. As soon as I finished crying and telling her that I think I’m pregnant she then told me that she thinks she’s pregnant as well. Yep, mind blown.
A bit of a sudden shock to my system that within the space of 3 weeks both me and Mum would give birth. Now, my Mum at the time was 40 and I was 19. I had been with Jonny a year and my family loved him, my Mum had been with my Dad over 20 years! It wasn’t the most weird of situations. Just when you are telling your Mum you are expecting a baby you don’t expect her to come out with the fact she is expecting your sibling at exactly the same time. My mum then told my Dad by calmly saying ‘oh, you’re going to be a Dad again. Oh and a Grandad a few weeks before!’. The same went for my grandparents, ‘you’re going to be Grandparents again. Oh and Great-Grandparents!’
A few weeks passed and we both began to feel sick and rubbish, there was no pregnancy glow for me. Mum obviously found out about Rory and had a lot more hospital appointments than I did. You can read about my little brother here! If you are reading this because you and your Mum are pregnant at the same time then trust me it is a brilliant experience. You go through the same things together and trips baby clothes shopping are amazing! Think of it as a blessing!
In January 2015, Elsa was born on the 12th and Rory was born on the 29th. 17 days apart. They are uncle and niece but honestly they are more like brother and sister. Elsa has helped Rory learn and Rory has taught Elsa that even though he has Down Syndrome he is no different from her. Elsa knows all about Rory, she can tell us Rory’s medical conditions and how they affect him.
Having them so close together was an amazing experience and the bond that Elsa and Rory have because of it is unbelievable.