Many expectant parents choose to keep their baby names private until their little one is born, we know a lot of you in our community make this decision.
Wouldn't it be so aggravating then, to be constantly harassed and nagged into revealing your name choice? Even if it's someone very close to you, it's pretty rude and disrespectful. No one needs to be dealing with the same annoying question repeatedly when that boundary was already set!
One expectant mum has taken to the Reddit AITA (Am I The Asshole) board to ask if she's in the wrong for giving her 'friend' a fake baby name with a rude meaning in Spanish... which her friend then chose for her own unborn baby girl! Awkward...
Read the full post below.
"A good college friend of mine “Roxy” married my husband’s cousin, and our kids will share their last name. We’re now in our late 20s. I’m 29 weeks pregnant and Roxy just gave birth to her first, a daughter.
Being friends, Roxy and I compared notes, but she also kept asking what I’d go with name-wise. I told her she’ll find out when my baby comes. Once I found out I’m having a boy (no, I won’t say his name), she got more incessant about what girl name I’d picked, saying “it’s not like it matters now” as if I won’t have another kid. I got annoyed and asked my husband if I’d be wrong to just give a fake name to shut her up. He suggested “Mierda” which is Spanish for “shit.” I said that to Roxy when she asked me for the ninth time. No exaggeration, that’s how many times I remember her asking. It may have been more.
They went with that name, but guess what? Their OB/GYN speaks Spanish, and informed them exactly what that name was. My husband’s cousin called – yes, CALLED – me to cuss me out, saying I am a “heartless b****” for “embarrassing him and Roxy” and ruining what should’ve been the greatest moment of joy in their lives. I didn’t think of that angle and realized I wouldn’t like it if someone did that to me, so AITA?"
Find the main thread here on Reddit.
What was the general consensus?
This is a very new Reddit post, so no vote has been finalised yet - however, from reading the comments, we can surmise that the overall consensus is that the poster is NTA (Not The Asshole) for throwing a red herring to her 'friend'. The top comment was;
"No. You didn't know she was going to steal the name. If it wasn't a bogus name, and you gave the real one - I'd be pissed they used my girl name. So no, it's on them. They should have looked into the name meaning before actually deciding on it. I was picky about names - looking at initials, thinking of nicknames, alternative meanings, etc. They were lazy and stole a shit name. Not your fault. Nta."
Our verdict...
What an awkward situation! The friend needs to learn to respect boundaries, and research names before choosing them - it must have been pretty humiliating to find out what the name meant in front of her Spanish-speaking doctor! However, we would err on the side of it being her own fault. It's a silly prank gone wrong, because the poster wasn't to know that 'Roxy' was going to use the fake baby name for a girl, right?
Just to highlight the point, we typed 'Meirda' into Google and the top result was Google Translate telling us what it means in Spanish.
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