It can be so difficult to decide on a name for your baby. Sometimes they are often named after someone special in the parents life.
One Mum to be took to Reddits AITA (Am I The Asshole?) board after explaining the special meaning behind her daughters name, but it is very similar to one of her friends daughters names.
Read the full post here:
"So, to start of, I am pregnant with my first (and probably only) child.
When I found out that it was a girl, I knew immediately I wanted to call her Nora.
Nora was a friend of the family. She was older than my Mum, but as I grew up, I think it's fair to say she was my friend, too.
We were both artistic souls and always had philosophical conversations about life. We even went on holiday together once. As Nora grew older, and was disabled, I helped her out as her only child is a drug addict and in and out of rehab - so I was a bit of a (grand)daughter to her.
Nora died in the early stages of the current health crisis (she had many health issues) and when I found out I was having a girl, I thought it would be great to name her in Nora's honor (also - it's a short, not too complex name, and both me and my partner want that for a child).
I am making birth cards by hand and already teased them to a small group of friends.
So after this, one of my friends contacted me, saying to reconsider naming her that.
Her youngest is called Norah (like Norah Jones, all her kids have musician names) and she feels it's not ok that the two girls would have similar names. Honestly I didn't even think of that. There were 3 Sophies in my class - it's not the end of the world.
I told her this, and also that Nora was a special person to me - but she still feels I should have consulted with her. And that I should consider naming her after someone else - like my grandma (we're doing my grandma's name as her middle name, but I think Nora is just the nicer first name).
I told her I'm sorry this upsets her, but this will be my daughter's name.
AITA for sticking to it, and not consulting her first? Also do you think it would be bothersome to have a friend with a similar name?"
Read the full Reddit thread here
What was the general consensus?
The poster was voted NTA (Not The Asshole). One of the top comments said:
"NTA - people don’t own names. That’s why there are so many people named the same thing. Name her as you see fit. If your friend decides she doesn’t want you in her life for that, she’s not a true friend, in my opinion."
While another commented:
"NTA. people really need to get over the idea that others will have the same name as their child, it’s not a big deal. The name has meaning to you and it’s your kid, the only ones who get a say in the name of the baby is the parents. This so called friend is acting super entitled if she thinks you should’ve consulted with her about the name of your kid."
Our Verdict...
No-ones opinion should influence the name of a baby, besides the Mother and Father. This name obviously has a special meaning behind it and shouldn't be questioned by the Mum to be's friend. If the kids were in the same family then maybe it would pose a little bit of a problem, but it shouldn't matter with a friend you see occasionally.
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