After years of trying for a baby, and it finally happens you feel like you've won the lottery. The relief, the excitement and the overwhelming feeling of happiness.
But what if your long awaited pregnancy disrupts your families future plans that you had an important part to play in. One Mum to be took to Reddits AITA (Am I The Asshole?) board...
Read the full post here:
"I 27F was asked to be my sisters 25F maid of honor for her wedding next year in February, of course I accepted happily and I was really happy she asked
Me and my husband 30M have been trying for a baby for the last few years with no luck, however we've now found out I'm pregnant which is incredible, but the due date is around my sisters wedding
She's really unhappy about it since I'm going to either be heavily pregnant and ready to pop any moment, unable to go because I'm in hospital, or with a newborn so unable to attend. She thinks we should have delayed trying because of her wedding as now the focus is going to be shifted to the first baby of the generation instead of the second wedding of our generation which I completely empathise with
I'm feeling really guilty about it now instead of being happy about something I've dreamed of all my life, so Reddit, AITA for getting pregnant when I knew her wedding was coming up and possibly interfering?"
Read the full Reddit thread here
What was the general consensus?
The poster was voted NTA (Not The Asshole). One of the top comments said:
If she is that bothered, then she could postpone the wedding a bit.
Its not like you can postpone giving birth!
You have nothing whatsoever to feel guilty about. Dont beat yourself up about it.
You have been trying for years and now you have succeeded. Imo a wedding is unimportant in comparison.
Congratulations btw and I wish you the best of luck with the pregnancy"
While another said:
"You're obviously not TA for getting pregnant but it would be best if you step down from the MOH role (assuming she didn't kick out of the wedding party). She does deserve someone who will be able to stand with her and do all the MOH "duties" and events without worrying about giving birth any second. Especially if it came to it and you gave birth shortly before the wedding and weren't feeling up for being up there (which happened to a friend of mine), she might end up feeling extra alone and abandoned so probably best to just bow out now."
Our Verdict...
While obviously the poster isn't at fault for getting pregnant, you do go into your wedding with a vision. If the poster can't commit to being Maid Of Honour then the only right thing to do is step down. So if her baby comes early etc the bride to be won't be let down. It is unfair of the bride to expect her sister to stop trying for a baby just because of her wedding.
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