It's common to feel a little awkward when your a first time Mum breastfeeding in front of people.
Some Mums might even leave the room as they don't feel comfortable yet, while some don't mind where they do it. One first time Mum took to Reddits AITA (Am I The Asshole?) board after her best friends husband walked into her sons nursery while she was in the middle of feeding him.
Read the full post here:
"I (F28) recently had mine and my husband's (M32) first child - a little boy who is now five months old. Our baby is amazing, and we are so in love with him.
After the birth, we only allowed our parents/siblings to see the baby so that we could have some time to settle into our new lives. We didn't want to be overrun with visitors, but decided to host a BBQ this weekend so some more extended family and friends could meet baby. It went really well, and everyone was so over the moon to see the little one. I would like to clarify, this wasn't a huge gathering, maybe only 10 people.
At one point, I took baby inside for his lunch. I am nursing him at the moment, so I went to his nursery so we could have some privacy. As most people were in the backyard, I thought that this would be a quiet spot for the two of us.
Unbeknownst to me, my best friend's (F27) husband (M29) needed the bathroom at some point and came into the house. I think he was having a bit of a snoop around because he ended up opening the door to the nursery where I was with the baby (which is nowhere near the bathroom), and inevitably found us. He was quite shocked and fumbled his words a little bit before closing the door and leaving. I was not very happy that this had happened because I had specifically gone looking for a quiet moment so baby could eat, but it is what it is and I thought it was over.
When I walked out of the house a little while later, I was surprised to see that my best friend and her husband had left. My husband tells me that when best-friend's-husband (BFH) came out of the house, he immediately reprimanded my husband for the fact that I was exposing myself and acting inappropriately in front of guests. Of course, my husband was very confused by what was going on, but BFH basically just grabbed my friend and the two of them left leaving everyone else quite stunned.
A few hours after everyone had gone home, BFH started a group chat with myself, my husband, and my best friend, and basically said that he could not believe how I had exposed myself to him today when I knew he was happily married, and that I should have more shame. He said that I was not setting a good example for my son, who would grow up as some kind of deviant because I am refusing to feed him in a "normal and healthy way".
I am honestly quite upset about the whole thing, and no one has responded (my best friend has not even opened any of my other messages), but I wonder if maybe I should have just gone with a bottle feed during the event so that this never would have happened. My husband thinks BFH has lost his mind, but I wonder, was I the AH?"
Read the full Reddit thread here
What was the general consensus?
The poster was voted NTA (Not The Asshole). One of the top comments said:
Kid's gotta eat.
He walked in on you in the NURSERY when he was snooping around.
He blamed YOU for FEEDING YOUR CHILD in a PRIVATE ROOM in YOUR HOUSE and LIED about what actually happened.
This guy is an untrustworthy snake, and should not be allowed to your home without a full heartfelt apology and correction of what happened to everyone there AT MINIMUM."
While another said:
"NTA - respond with "wait a damn minute! I had gone into the nursery and closed the door to feed my son in private. You knew where the bathroom was - why were you going around my home opening doors that you had no business opening?!"
What an absolute jerk."
Our Verdict...
This first time Mum took herself and her new baby in a private room to nurse, and she is still being called out for it. We can't believe the nerve for someone to go into someone elses house and cause a scene like this, especially when it's a mother nursing her baby in her own home! We think it's a shame the brest friends husband is gettin inbetween of the two friends, but surely she should be sticking up for her friend? Not just ignoring the situation.
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