I’m sure most of us mummies and daddies are no stranger to Ben & Jerry’s, the two men we all need after a hard day!
Out of all the flavours available in their expansive ice cream range, it goes without saying that their cookie dough variety is one of the most popular. Come on, those chunks of cookie dough are an absolute dream!
Fans of Ben & Jerry’s cookie dough ice cream, prepare yourselves for this…
You can now buy the cookie dough chunks in snack bags in the UK! Pop down to Asda and stock up, because we think that these are going to be mega popular. They don’t need cooking, so you can tuck in straight away. Currently, only the original variety is on sale at Asda but we do know that there is a peanut butter and a vegan option – once we know more about these, we will update!
They cost £3.99 and each 170g bag contains 6 portions (a tad optimistic, I’m sure!) – see them online here.

Image credit: Ben & Jerry’s
Love from Katie & Team BBY. Xx