Schools and parents can access Twinkl educational resources during the school closures!
As someone with prior teaching experience, I absolutely love Twinkl and think that parents in particular who may be needing to provide some home education to their children will benefit from this resource.
Twinkl is an online resource for educators and parents, and it is full to the brim of exciting and engaging resources from EYFS, all the way KS4, with SEND and EAL resources to access too. Examples of brilliant resources you’ll access for free during this offer are;
- Activity tray plans
- Phonics
- Vocabulary
- SATS revision
- GCSE revision
- British Sign Language
- Learning packs for each key stage
How long is the free usage?
The free usage is currently one month long, but Twinkl are prepared to look at extending this in the event that social isolation/closures last for longer than this.
They’ve said;
“Schools across the globe are responding to the outbreak of the Coronavirus. In some cases schools have closed or are making preparations for a potential closure.
At Twinkl, our mission is to help those who teach and we are therefore taking steps to support continued learning at home, by offering the teachers and parents of children in schools which are closed, or facing closure, free access to all Twinkl resources for a period of one month in the first instance. We are committed to continuing to offer this help in the event of longer term closures.
We’ve put together a simple, step-by-step guide about this offer of help, for teachers and schools to use. This guide is not designed to supercede or replace any official guidance, but is intended to advise on using the Twinkl website during this period.”
How do I access the free usage?
If you work for a school, or are a parent, you may have already been forwarded a code to use to access Twinkl. If not, you need to click here, paste in the code ‘CVDTWINKLHELPS, and then share the code and website link with anyone you think will benefit from the resources. I’ve signed up on a newer email address to test if this works, as I already have an older account with Twinkl that I was unable to apply the free user offer to, and it works! I’ll be using this if our private nursery has to close if the guidance changes from advised closure to enforced closure.
You can read the full information here.
I hope that this helps – it’s honestly a great way to entertain your little ones whilst keeping your activity choices educational and stimulation.
Love from Katie & Team BBY. Xx