There has been an infant formula recall that parents need to be made aware of.
Parents have been warned not to feed their babies the following batches of formula due to fears that there may be a salmonella contamination risk. Please pass this on to other parents and caregivers you know to ensure that no more babies become unwell.
The formula manufacturer Abbott has issued an urgent recall for the products which have already caused cases of serious illness and have even led to the death of a baby in the US. The UK's Food Standard Agency have stated;
"Abbott has taken the precautionary step of recalling various batches of Elecare Similac and Alimentum Similac infant formula powders because they might contain Salmonella.'
What formula brand is affected, and what batches?
The two brands affected are manufactured for babies with CMPA (Cows Milk Protein Allergy) only and are prescription-only. Certain batches of Elecare Similac and Alimentum Similac infant formula powder are affected.
Elecare Similac 400g
- Batch code 28130Z202
Best before 01 October 2022 - Batch code 29266Z200
Best before 01 December 2022 - Batch code 30374Z201
Best before 01 December 2022 - Batch code 32422Z210
Best before 01 February 2023
Alimentum Similac 400g
- Batch code 22333Z260
Best before 01 October 2022 - Batch code 23443Z260
Best before 01 November 2022 - Batch code 30283Z261
Best before 01 June 2023 - Batch code 30281Z260
Best before 30 June 2023 - Batch code 31410Z201
Best before 01 July 2023 - Batch code 31410Z206
Best before 01 July 2023 - Batch code 31411Z200
Best before 01 July 2023 - Batch code 31410Z205
Best before 01 August 2023 - Batch code 33688Z200
Best before 01 September 2023 - Batch code 32431Z201
Best before 01 October 2023 - Batch code 34929Z200
Best before 01 October 2023 - Batch code 35030Z200
Best before 01 November 2023 - Batch code 25550Z260
Best before 01 January 2023 - Batch code 25564Z260
Best before 01 January 2023 - Batch code 26867Z260
Best before 01 February 2023 - Batch code 27936Z260
Best before 01 March 2023 - Batch code 27937Z260
Best before 01 March 2023 - Batch code 28123Z260
Best before 01 April 2023 - Batch code 29210Z200
Best before 01 May 2023 - Batch code 29280Z261
Best before 01 May 2023
What is salmonella?
Salmonella is a nasty bacteria that can cause food poisoning. Food poisoning can be more serious in babies and in other vulnerable people. The symptoms include stomach cramps, an upset stomach, vomiting and a fever, so if you have any concerns please seek urgent medical attention for your baby, particularly if your child's formula has been recalled.
What do I do if my child's formula has been recalled?
Stop using it - however, we appreciate that when you've got a child with CMPA/I, it's not that simple if you have no back-up. Our best advice is to speak to your GP, paediatrician or dietician urgently to get a different brand prescribed. There are various brands of hydrolysed and amino-based CMPA/I formula milks available on the NHS, thankfully.
We'd advise against purchasing lactose-free formula as a 'back-up', this is because lactose-free formula still contains dairy protein. It is not designed for CMPA/I, which is not the same condition as Lactose Intolerance. Some babies are sensitive to lactose and need lactose-free formula, but generally, it is much less common for true lactose intolerance to develop in babies. On occasion, CMPA/I and Lactose Intolerance are confused as the same condition when they are not.
Read more about CMPA/I vs Lactose Intolerance here.
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