Daddies, how many of you have struggled to find somewhere to clean up a mucky bum on daddy & baby days out without mama?
Fact is, LOADS of you do, because the majority of baby change facilities are located in women’s toilets! The situation has slowly changed over the past few years (Intu shopping centres now have special baby rooms for all parents!) but the situation still remains difficult for lone daddies out with a baby who needs a nappy change.
One daddy, Donte Palmer, had had enough and has spearheaded the #Squatforchange campaign after a photo of him changing his sons bum across his lap went viral and caused uproar amongst parents. He was quite literally SQUATTING up against a wall to make his knees into a table in order to get the bum change done – very resourceful but in 2018, should this even be happening? Nope. In the US, Ashton Kutcher triggered a similar viral campaign, leading to the passing of the Bathrooms Accessible in Every Situation Act; it would be superb if the UK followed suit.
His campaign encourages other daddies to take similar photos and to tag them on social media with the #Squatforchange hashtag to raise awareness and shame public locations into making baby change facilities accessible for all parents. He also believes that using disabled facilities isn’t a fail safe solution as it can prevent disabled people from being able to use the toilet when needed.
“I believe that fathers should be facilitated equally to mothers. Ultimately fathers need changing tables so babies can be changed in sanitary conditions. With the movement being in full force I do believe change will happen not only in the country but around the world. I believe we as fathers need resources to take care of our babies.”
What a dude! I think this campaign is fantastic; all too often, as society we focus on the inequalities that women still face without remembering that men can also face problematic inequalities as parents. I hope that the #Squatforchange campaign makes a difference in making baby change facilities accessible for daddies everywhere! I’d love for my partner to be able to take our son out without worrying about potentially having to change him squatting up against a dirty wall somewhere random.
Love from Katie. Xx