Teachers from NEU union have confirmed that they will strike in England and Wales.
We're sorry to drop this bad news upon you mummies, daddies and caregivers but consider this your notice to get alternative childcare booked in, or request time off, on the dates we will announce shortly.
Why will teachers be striking?
We're sure this will be one of the main questions everyone affected will be asking. Well, the NEU is the UK's largest union for educators, with a large influence on campaigns for better pay and conditions for educators. They have confimed that the strike will affect 23,400 schools across England and Wales, so most of the parents of the school-aged children in our parenting community will be affected. The main focus of the strike is to highlight the financial strain teachers are under after years of pay rises not in line with inflation, and continually increased pressure year upon year due to budget cuts.
🚨 The results are in! 🚨
— National Education Union (@NEUnion) January 16, 2023
In our ballot, @NEUnion members have voted in overwhelming numbers to take historic strike action for a fully funded, above-inflation pay rise.
We have to save our schools.
The Education Secretary Gillian Keegan plans to meet union leaders later this week to try to come to an alternative agreement as under Department of Education guidance, head teachers must take 'all reasonable steps' to keep schools open for as many children as possible, even during strikes.
We're wondering if this guidance means that a similar criteria for place in school during strike days to that of the days where schools were closed during the pandemic will come into place; 'looked after children', or those with an EHCP were allowed into schools even during closures. We will confirm once we know!
What dates will teachers be striking?
These teacher strikes will happen both nationally and regionally. Sixth forms and colleges will also be involved in the strikes, not just schools. The strikes will be taking place on the following dates - we hope that it doesn't cause too many issues for you all and that employers are understanding.
1 February: All schools in England and Wales with eligible members
14 February: All schools in Wales with eligible members
28 February: North and north-west England, Yorkshire and Humber with eligible members
1 March: East Midlands, West Midlands, and the NEU's eastern region with eligible members
2 March: South-east and south-west England, and London with eligible members
15 and 16 March: Two-day strike of all schools in England and Wales with eligible members
Cover image credit: halfpoint via Canva Pro License
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