You may have heard on the news, through word of mouth, or on Facebook parenting groups that parents have been experiencing problems with Aptamil infant formula ever since their recent change in in formulation.
Parents have been reporting that the prepared formula has been curdling even with correct preparation, and some have even found that their little ones have had upset stomachs!
Aptaclub have released the following public statement in response to complaints;
‘Information for parents on our new Aptamil Infant, Follow On and Growing Up Milks
We have been listening to parents’ feedback about our latest formulations which have been introduced on some of our powdered formula range. Whilst many parents have smoothly transitioned onto these new formula milks, we’re really sorry to hear some people have had problems during these changes. We also appreciate how distressing it can be when babies are unwell and want to support in any way we can. We apologise if any of our valued customers feel let down by our brand, we never wanted parents to feel this way. The safety and quality of our products is our number one priority and we would like to reassure parents that all our formula milks go through strict safety and quality checks and we can confirm they are safe to consume.
We know it can be worrying when making changes to what your baby is fed. This is why we put leaflets in our packaging and sent emails to our customer base before launching our new powder formulations to try and inform as many parents as possible. We apologise if not everyone had a chance to see these.
We are committed to providing parents with the best products and services we possibly can and to continually innovate. We invest hugely in research into early life science and it is from this research we have brought about our latest powdered formulations. Before launching them, we ran exhaustive checks to ensure the quality and safety is of the highest integrity. These included clinical trials, product testing and product experience tests, including trials with babies switching straight from our previous formulations to the new ones. The results we have all assured us that the products were well tolerated by babies and safe to consume. We recognise and appreciate, that for some parents this hasn’t been the case. We know every baby is different and for some they may take a little time to adjust to any changes in how they are fed. We’re here to support you if you are having any challenges during this transition.
We have heard parents’ comments about how the product mixes. In our tests, we found that our new products are more sensitive to temperature than in the past. Therefore, following the on-pack instructions closely makes more of a difference than before to ensure effective mixing. We recognise this may not be the same as how you previously made up our formula milks. In line with NHS guidelines, we recommend boiling 1 litre of water and leaving it to cool in the kettle for 30 minutes and no longer*.During testing, we found that if the water is not left to cool for long enough and the milk is made at a significantly higher temperature than the recommended 70 degrees Celsius, lumps may form.. In addition to this, it is important to shake the formula milk vigorously and vertically for at least 10 seconds.
If parents or little ones are experiencing issues with our products, please do call our Careline for a one to one discussion so we can understand how to best help you. We take every concern very seriously and rest assured any issues with our products are investigated thoroughly. Please contact us for free on 0800 996 1000, pressing option 0 followed by option 1. We are available on the phone 24/7.
Which products have been reformulated?
Aptamil First Infant Milk powder (stage 1), Aptamil Follow On Milk powder (stage 2), Aptamil Growing Up Milk powders (stages 3 & 4).
The following products remain unchanged: Aptamil First Infant milk liquid (stage 1), Aptamil Follow On Milk liquid (stage 2), Aptamil Growing Up milk liquids (stage 3 and stage 4), as do Aptamil Hungry Infant Milk powder, Aptamil Anti-Reflux powder and Aptamil Comfort powder.
* except Aptamil Anti-Reflux, for which we advise that the kettle should be cooled for 45 minutes and no longer.’
I hope that this information helps anyone who is worrying or has any questions about the current issues being reported! If you are continuing to experience issues, PLEASE keep reporting this!
‘Update: Information for parents on our new Aptamil Infant, Follow On and Growing Up Milks
Following our post yesterday, we have continued to listen to parents’ concerns and feedback about our new formulations. We are very sorry to hear that parents are continuing to experience problems. As with any innovation, our formulas have been tested and clinical trials have shown that babies took well to the new formula and that it is safe to consume.
We have changed our mixing instructions slightly and, with hindsight, we could have made that clearer. But nevertheless, we understand that despite following the instructions, some parents are still experiencing mixing problems.
This is something that we are taking very seriously and we would like to assure you that we will investigate every complaint thoroughly.
We would like to thank you for raising these issues with us and we hope you will give us the opportunity to help you in any way we can. Please contact us for free on 0800 996 1000, pressing option 0 followed by option 1. We are available on the phone 24/7.’
How to contact Aptamil to report issues;
You can do this by calling 0800 996 1000.
You can also contact their complaints department here.
Love from Team BBY. Xx