Have you ever heard or sang a traditional nursery rhyme and wondered what they mean? Well, you’re in for a spooky surprise!
We’ve delved into the most popular traditional nursery rhymes that most of us grew up singing and probably sing to our own babies… The history and subliminal meanings behind them are shocking and sometimes creepy but fascinating too and a unique insight into our own history.
Be warned that some of these stories are a little bit dark, so if it’s not your cup of tea, don’t continue scrolling.
Jack & Jill
Bah Bah Black Sheep
Ring Around The Rosie
London Bridge is Falling Down
Three Blind Mice
Mary Quite Contrary
Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush
Eeny Meany Miny Mo
Rock A Bye Baby
Old Mother Hubbard
Goosey Goosey Gander
Find more details about the historical tales behind these nursery rhymes here.
Tell us your thoughts in the comments!
Love from Katie & Team BBY. Xx