The 26th of October marks the start of International Brain Tumour Awareness Week 2019.
Let’s take a look at what this awareness week is all about…
If you have experience of brain tumours and would like to share your story as part of this awareness raising week, or at any other time, please email [email protected] for more information. We are huge advocates of awareness raising and strive to give our followers a platform.
What is Brain Tumour Awareness Week?
The International Brain Tumour Alliance and other organisations globally promote Brain Tumour Awareness week annually; this year is the 13th annual event, aimed at raising awareness of brain tumours, celebrating the achievements in those involved in scientific and medical advances in research & treatment, and encouraging fund raising for charities involved in supporting individuals and families affected by brain tumours.
Brain tumours can affect anyone, young or old, so it’s something that is relevant to us all. As parents, we need to keep close watch on our own health as we are relied upon by our babies and loved ones, and we also need to know what signs of ill health to watch out for in our babies. Awareness raising campaigns like this are incredibly useful for all care givers!
What Brain Tumour Symptoms Should I Watch Out For In Myself & My Children?
This is quite complex; if you have any worrying symptoms at all, you need to see your GP, or call 111 if urgent. Call 999 immediately if there is unbearable pain or any symptoms that you would class as an emergency; fitting, unconsciousness etc. Symptoms can vary between individuals, and the following symptoms can also be signs of other things, so it is imperative that you seek medical guidance. The NHS website has listed the most common symptoms to look for;
- Severe, persistent headaches.
- Fits.
- Persistent nausea and vomiting.
- Drowsiness.
- Mental/behavioural changes – memory loss and personality changes are common.
- Weakness/paralysis on one side or in a limb.
- Visual and speech problems.
Some people have no symptoms at all until a mass is discovered during investigations for other illnesses, or find that their symptoms develop slowly.
How can I get involved with Brain Tumour Awareness Week?
There are many ways in which you can get involved – these are all pretty simple and easy to organise!
- Download and share this logo to show your support; upload to your social media and encourage others to share in order to bring this awareness campaign to the forefront of people’s minds.
- Share other people’s stories about brain tumours.
- Donate to a relevant charity of your choice.
- Volunteer at a local hospice or setting that people with brain tumours rely upon for support.
- Hold a coffee morning, bake sale, or any other sponsored event and donate the proceeds to a brain tumour charity.
- This year’s focus is ‘Walking Around The World’; the target is to get fundraisers to walk the mileage of the earth’s circumference (24,901 miles).
The Best Reads & Folk To Follow About Brain Tumour Awareness
If you’re looking for more information about brain tumour awareness, there are some great social media accounts dedicated to raising awareness and advocating for support & education about brain tumour symptoms, treatment and living with a brain tumour.
Claudia unfortunately passed away 5 years ago (I remember that day so vividly still…). I avidly followed her journey and still follow updates on her page. She was the first known person in history to technically beat the form of brain tumour that she had! Her passing was very unexpected and upsetting especially after she beat a type of cancer with such a poor prognosis, but her journey and the positivity that her family spread throughout is so inspiring and informative.
One month today, it will be exactly five years since Claudia drew her very last breath and left this world, forever. We…
Posted by Claudia's Cause on Wednesday, 25 September 2019
Teens Unite Fighting Cancer is a fantastic Instagram account raising awareness and bringing support to teenagers and young people who have cancer.
Lyla is an incredibly inspirational little girl. She was diagnosed with a brain stem tumour in 2016, and has courageously battled ever since. Her family post about her journey; they are very raw and honest about life with a brain tumour, and I’ve learned a lot from following them.
Lyla has came a long way from this day, where all so proud of her. She still has more operations coming her way and we…
Posted by Lyla’s brain tumour journey on Saturday, 19 October 2019
Sending all of our love & support to anyone impacted by a brain tumour.
Love from Katie & Team BBY. Xx