Are You a Parent Blogger?
Would you like your posts to be featured on our Facebook page with verging on 380,000 followers who just LOVE to read the blogs we share…?
Email us at [email protected] and our Content Editor Katie will tell you more!
How Does It Work?
- You submit blogs that you’d love us to feature on our website via the email above.
- We will then upload your content to our website and schedule the blog to be shared on our facebook page – we will try to make sure we tell you the time and date so that you spot it!
- We will provide links to any social media accounts affiliated to your blog on our site, and if you have a Facebook fan page for your blog, we’ll tag it in the post!
- Once you’ve been featured, you’re always welcome to continue to submit further guest blogs.
- It’s handy to have a Facebook page linked to your blog. This is because we can tag your page in the posts that we share to help increase your traffic and fans.
- Join our Facebook blogging network group as we are always on the hunt for guest bloggers in there; plus you’ll also get a chance to network with and glean inspiration from other parent bloggers!
- It’s always good to have a proofread or use spellchecking software; this may mean that your blog gets featured faster too.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Team BBY Xx
Join the fun at our Facebook group – Bump, Baby and You
Follow us for updates on Instagram – BumpBabyYou
Tweet us – Bump, Baby and You