Apple has just launched Apple Vision Pro, blending digital content with the physical world.
Apple are claiming the device is the 'most advanced personal electronic device ever", despite resembling a pair of ski goggles. Along with a hefty price tag of $3,499 (£2,849) will you be rushing out to buy it when it launches next year?
There is no doubt that this will be a fantastic, new piece of technology which will definitely excite a lot of people. But with technology already taking over our lives, will this "mixed reality" be a step too far?
You can read more about it on the Apple website here.
As you can imagine, Twitter has lit up with questions galore about the new device. And whilst we can see why everyone is excited, here at Bump HQ we can't help but feel a little worried about what this mine for the future. Mobile phones dominate our children's lives, will the ability to essentially put themselves even deeper into their devices lead to bigger problems?
Watch the promo video here and see what you think...
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