If you’ve been sat wondering why certain shops only allow two per person, you may be thinking; why shouldn’t we be allowed to stock up?
Turn out, it’s a bit of a weird one and the reason the ban has been put in place is ‘apparently’ due to people taking them to China? But is this fact?
It comes about that this high demand product is sorely needed in China after a long history of local milk-poisoning scandals.
Also with China’s 2015 decision to scrap its one-child policy and their cut of 1400 brands of formula, China are beginning to feel the squeeze.
In more than just one place around the world, you may find many stores and brands are trying to limit the amount of how many boxes of formula customers can purchase in one transaction.
It is actually true that recognised brands like Aptamil can sell for way over twice the retail price it’s purchased at.
Places like eBay offer formula, with some at a bargain price but some leaving you cringing. One tub of Similac (an allergy free baby milk) can go for $50! But you wouldn’t buy medicine off eBay, so should you really chance buying fo
One woman in November noticed these two cheeky shoppers with more than the recommended limit.
She told the Daily Mail,
‘Just having a quick look from my window checking the weather and guess what?
‘In two minutes around 100 bottles of Australian baby formula have been transferred from a car to their trolley and probably tomorrow off to China.’
‘This needs to stop. Shops need to really take care of it and make limits for these goods. Looks like it is completely out of control. How on Earth can one person buy so, so, so many bottles?’
What do you think of the ‘2 Per Person’ ban?
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