If you didn’t already know I’m planning on having a Homebirth this time around. I’ve heard a lot of positive things about a homebirth experience and they intrigued me.
After having a discussion with my midwife this week, the whole experience sounds much less stressful. I will also get 2 midwives to myself the whole time, which again cant be guaranteed in a hospital environment.
One of the other big reasons for me wanting to do so is for the afterbirth experience. I will have help throughout the night and I wont need to wait to be discharged. Both times previously I was ready to be discharged in the morning but never got home till early afternoon. I found that to be quite stressful. I didn’t want that repeated.
So having had my discussion with my midwife there were a few things I have needed to get to prepare for the birth at home. This is in addition to your usual hospital bag and babies hospital bag.
Tip – I will also have a separate loose fitting nightie that I will plan to birth in. Its comfortable and allows easy access. You may want to consider having something similar available.
To start with it was recommended that we have a reasonably sized box that we can keep everything in so the midwife can come and go straight to the box and everything will be in one place.
Here is a list of what was suggested to go in the box:
*Pack of Puppy Pads. They are the same as incontinence pads but if you buy specific puppy pads they are a fraction of the price. The midwives do bring some with them so these are extra if needed.
*At least 3 Large Plastic Sheets / Plastic shower curtains. I got these shower curtains from Matalan. they were £4.00 each.
*A hot water bottle, to warm up babies clothes and can be used for the relief of after pains.
*Paracetomol / Ibuprofen for after pains.
*At least 8 medium old towels.
*An outfit for baby including 2 x cotton hats, vest, babygrow and cardigan. Ideally separate into a sandwich bag with a nappy.
*Tena lady all in one pants preferably or thick maternity pads.
*Old ice cream tub to be used as a sick bowl.
*A torch for directional lighting as and when needed.
*Jelly Babies and a bottle of Lucozade, for quick energy source.
*A packet of wet wipes for the woman to use.
*Black rubbish sacks for non-contaminated rubbish ie dirty towels.
Tip – Don’t forget to have a supply of tea and coffee in abundance as well as plenty of biscuits and bread for toast for the midwives. Also we were advised a tub of clotted cream ice-cream for me as its fast release energy as most women don’t want to eat once labour becomes established. Ice cream is easy to eat. Who am I to turn down ice cream??? You know, if its advised. *wink
I hope this helps you if you are considering a home birth, it gives you a little insight into the items you might need. Bear in mind this is what is advised in my area it may well be different in your area so always check with your midwife or local hospital first.
Jemma x
Written by Jemma Jargom for her blog, All Things Jargom.
Follow her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.