Those that know me well enough will know I literally go ham on this subject!!
Never in a trillion years would I have planned my lot turning up & smacking me around the back of the head with a frying pan like they did. But now they have… I wouldn’t change it for the world.
This subject never fails to captivate me; the number of years/months other mum’s chose to leave before falling pregnant with their next, fellow parents’ experiences once new siblings had arrived, what worked vs what didn’t.
My eldest was 18 months old when my twins were born. I spent pretty much my entire pregnancy presuming I was going to die of exhaustion, lonely, surrounded by cats once they arrived. I thought life was over, I convinced myself I wasn’t going to make play dates/lunch dates/feel the warmth of the summer sun on my skin for a good few years. I was wrong! Just a few weeks in & the eldest was under the handlebars of the double pram, perched on a buggy board whilst I combated cabin fever like f#%king Rambo!
Life’s hectic, mental & sometimes makes me wanna go lay on a train track somewhere. But I can pretty much guarantee that’s every parent…whether they have 1, 2 or 20, whether their kids have 3 or 13 years between them.
Is there ever really a perfect time to start planning the next one? Are we all happy with our age gaps because that’s in fact what we’re used to… it’s our version of ‘normal’?
What age differences do you have between your children? What were the pros/cons? If you had the opportunity to go back & alter it by a few years, would you? Tell me in the comments. Xx