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by Katie Hodgkins

Weight loss whilst bringing up small toddlers & fighting a disability

Take one chubby person, add pregnancy x2 plus being bed bound and a knee reconstruction/relearning to walk all within 2 years, what do you get?


As anyone with a mobility issue can relate, its damn hard to lose weight when you cant even walk down the street unaided. Its hard to go to the gym after your joint has subluxed or dislocated…again. Its then even harder to get up and parent the day after going to the gym when your joints are screaming at you. So trying to lose weight by exercising is tough.

Then on top of that take a foodie who has no willpower to stay away from crap and you get?


Forever doomed to be fat?

Well no.

Since booking our wedding in January its given me the kick up the ass I needed to really try harder. Now it’s not a quick thing, I’m not one of these people oh I’ve lost 8lb this week kinda girl. No. But gradually and slowly I’m losing weight and when i took this photo i was only 4lb from my first goal which will be 2st 3lb difference since April last year. Ironically I’ve been poorly since then and havent felt well enough to post and I’m now only 2lb off… that’s being chronically ill for you… take the positives lol.

No I’m not doing SW, WW, 5/2, Keto or any of these popular diets. I’m simply doing the ‘stop eating so much shit you fat fuck’ diet. Controlling what is going into my fat gob, not eating late at night, not eating bags of chocolate, sweets, biscuits like they’re going to disappear from existence. Having less takeaways but not banning them because… well look above… no willpower. Tell me I cant have it I want it more

Katie Hodgkins Image
I'm Katie, and I'm a mama, wife, and freelance content creator for Bump, Baby & You. I also help to run our thriving online community over in our Facebook support group, as well as volunteering for my local branch of the National Childbirth Trust. I'm a busy bee and enjoy keeping active, cooking, writing, and fun days out with my little family. My special topics of interest are... autism (as me and my son are both autistic), science, all things parenting and pregnancy related, and The Handmaids Tale!
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