This time around (third time) 6 months has come around so fast I had almost forgotten about weaning, it seemed to come out of nowhere. One minute she was 3 months old and now we are embarking on weaning again.
Thankfully I feel much more relaxed about it this time. Certainly the first time I was so overwhelmed with the whole process, every part of it I felt out of my depth. Second time around I felt a bit more confident about it, you can read about that in Weaning Time Already?
As I did with the other 2 I have started with single veggies, I’m doing these all myself, its cheaper and I just like to know that its done the way I want. I tried using ready made stuff with H, he didn’t like it, so I never bothered doing it with M.
Remember to do whatever works for you and your baby.
I’m starting with purees as I did with the other 2 and I’m using carrots, peas, sweet potatoes first. As I say the weaning crept up on me and this was all I had to hand to pre cook and batch freeze.
All I’m doing at the moment is cooking these up individually and then blending to a smoother consistency, I will then separate into little pots and freeze them all once cooled down. Then I just take out what I want from the freezer and warm back up, each of these little pots is 2 helpings.
Top Tip – If you are making the food yourself, batch cooking and freezing has been a life saver. It saves so much time and means you always have something to give your baby when your feeding.
I’ve decided to spoon feed to start with just to see how she takes to the whole process, and then as time progresses I may well decide to add finger foods. But this is not set in stone I will judge as I go and just go with what I feel she wants. I have been giving her the same veggies for a couple of days before introducing a new one, to give her a chance to get to know the flavour before swapping it.
So far its going ok, I wouldn’t say she is taking to it as easily as M. With M I think if you had offered her a full meal right from the start she probably would have eaten it, she loved food right from the start. She mastered the spoon within one sitting.
A on the other hand hasn’t quite mastered the spoon yet, I don’t think she is that fussed with it. Don’t get me wrong she quite likes sitting in the high chair with the rest of us, I just don’t think she is overly bothered with food right now. So this is definitely going to be baby steps this time.
Much as I have done with pretty much every aspect of parenting so far I’m just winging it and seeing how things go.
Jemma x
Written by Jemma Jargom for her blog, All Things Jargom.
Follow her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.