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by Sharon Rafferty

The Disappearance of Me

I get up. Look after the kids. Go to sleep. Repeat. Over. And. Over.

This apparently is life now.

I used to enjoy doing things, have hobbies like playing games, doing photography, listening to music etc but slowly that version of me has slipped away into nothingness.

I love my boys. I love spending time with them. But it seems as though, being a mother is now all that I am.

By 7pm every night I am exhausted, physically and mentally. They are in bed, me time right? No, because I don’t want to do anything. I just want to sit. Or sleep. There is nothing else.

Being a stay at home mum is amazing, you get to see all the little things they do. You get to go on adventures with them, you get to laugh at their silliness and have a great bond but in doing so you sacrifice a part of yourself. It might just be me that feels like this but honestly I miss enjoying other things. Just taking an hour or two out for myself would mean the world. Half the time I am too exhausted to even read a book or watch a film the whole way through. I often feel on the verge of tears but if anyone asks what’s wrong? The answer is nothing, because nothing is wrong. Not exactly.

No one tells you this part of motherhood and that is hard.

Zebra mumma

Please feel free to share if this is how you also feel.

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