Our lovely guest blogger Nisha has shared some insight about raising a child with Down Syndrome with CNN – you can see the full interview here.
I know this because I was once like you.
But it doesn’t have to be this way, does it?
We need to get to a point where when your observant child points at another child with a disability and asks you at the top of his lungs, “Why can’t he talk properly?” you don’t drop your head and pretend you didn’t hear him ask. We need to get to a point where you don’t “shhh” your child because you’re embarrassed. Instead, you answer your child’s question, and if you’re not sure how to, at least try. Or, if you’re feeling brave enough, come on over and let’s answer it together.
If people don’t answer those questions, society will keep teaching children that disabilities are taboo and to be embarrassed about differences. I hope adults will soon realize that it’s OK for children to be curious, and that the family of the child that your child is pointing at is not embarrassed by the difference — they are embracing it and welcome your questions.