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by Katie Hodgkins

Motherhood is NOT a Competition

How sad it is that in today’s modern world, we still need sayings like this?

I’m seriously tired of seeing other mums using their motherhood choices as some kind of right to put other mothers down. Some of which, has even been aimed at me and my personal choices. Not cool!

I won’t name and shame, I’m not about that. You know who you are and it needs to stop. Motherhood is bloody hard enough as it is, never mind feeling like you have to defend the choices you’re making for your child/ren.

We should be supporting each other. It doesn’t matter if you’re a sahm, wahm, use childcare, are a single parent, feed your child organic/free range/soy/vegan/gluten free whatever it may be. As long as your child is happy and healthy.. isn’t that all that matters?! Or have I missed something?! We all have struggles as mothers, what you see on social media isn’t real life, it’s the little snippets we’re allowing each other to see. No one ever posts the photos of being elbow deep in a poonami explosion, or having a cuddle that turns into everyone needing a good bath from all the vomit coming out of your child.

Certainly no one posts the photos of you crying your eyes out on the bedroom floor because your overtired child just won’t sleep. 

It’s hard, really hard and we need to support each other instead of taking shots at each other’s parenting styles.
If I can ask one thing of all you mummy’s out there, compliment each other, go for coffee together, do a random act of kindness because chances are, behind all the smiles and makeup, she’s the same tired eyed mummy that you are and just needs a friendly ear.

Written by Keelie Tully for her blog; you can follow her here!

Katie Hodgkins Image
I'm Katie, and I'm a mama, wife, and freelance content creator for Bump, Baby & You. I also help to run our thriving online community over in our Facebook support group, as well as volunteering for my local branch of the National Childbirth Trust. I'm a busy bee and enjoy keeping active, cooking, writing, and fun days out with my little family. My special topics of interest are... autism (as me and my son are both autistic), science, all things parenting and pregnancy related, and The Handmaids Tale!
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