Treasure Hunts are so exciting! Little ones get to explore, they’re challenging, grown-ups can get involved and there’s usually a little reward at the end!
We also love the fact that you can do them at home on very minimal budget. We’ve got some ideas for you to try which is certainly keep the little ones entertained.
What is a Treasure Hunt?
If you don’t know – A treasure hunt is where you hide small(ish) items or treats in places for others to find. The person who hid the items is usually on hand to act as a guide and there’s usually a treat at the end once the game’s complete. It’s the prefect activity to keep little ones entertained as you can tailor it for all ages.
Where do I start?
First you need to have something to hide. Make sure you hide the items in safe places where little ones wont have to climb or go near water etc. Amongst plants and toys is usually a good spot! If you’re really looking to fill some time entertain the little ones, you could have a go at making a treasure map. This is perfect if you have older kids.
This parchment paper is a great idea to keep the excitement going. They can draw their own maps.
We found it here*!
TIP: You could to create your own parchment by using a cool Teabag, dabbing it on paper and leaving it to dry.
What can I hide?
3. Treasure Island Stones
We found these fantastic Treasure Island stones – how great would these be to hide? Perfect Pirate themes that you can play with again and again.
We found these here*!
2. A sweet treat!
You could hide sweet treats for little ones to find! These chocolate coins are amazing ideas!
We found these here!*
1. Use your child’s toys
You could choose to hide some of your child favourite toys. This way they know what they are looking for which is great if they are slightly young. Try hiding your little ones dinosaurs, teddies, or brightly coloured stacking cups.
We found these here!*
Ok, then what?
Once you’ve hid your treasure – now it’s time for your little one to find them. Let them explore and find all the treasure. Depending on their age – give them the appropriate amount of help. Once you’ve found all the treasure enjoy a little treat.
Take your treasure hunts to the next level!
3 . You could create a little treasure chest to keep their treasure in. How cute is this?
We found it here!*
2. Involving a themed story can reinforce what your doing and spending a little time snuggling reading a book is always lovely!
We found it here! *
1. Channel your inner pirate – Maybe include some face painting into your epic Treasure hunt!
We found this here!*
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