Written by Amy Hignett for her blog, My Baby & Me.
You can follow her on instagram here!
So… Stretch marks. Deep, purple, white, thin, visible, faded, wrinkly, big, small there all different but seem to cause the same emotions; disappointment, consciousness, ugliness, sadness, embarrassment, self hatred.
They need to be normalised and accepted, you don’t even have to like them, just accept them even if you don’t find them beautiful, appreciate them because they are from carrying your child and your skin simply couldn’t stretch far enough! It’s no deeper than that.
I once seen a comment online by someone who was talking about stretch marks and if they received them would just simply have them lasered and fake tan would cover them in the mean time. I just felt this was the wrong approach, shouldn’t we be normalising them? Shouldn’t we be showing them more to help others see majority of us get them?
We get loose skin, stretch marks and tummy rolls, it is part of life ladies… love the loose skin you’re in and embrace it!
…Which leads me to the fact there is a lot of stereotype around the term ‘yummy mummy’.
Some of us are praised for being yummy mummies, we should be too because we created a life! Not because of cosmetic work or physical appearances. Lots of people call me a yummy mummy but I simply whisper to myself, ‘you’re not, they can’t see underneath your clothes’. They say ‘wow you don’t even look like you’ve had a baby’! But what does that look like? They say wow you have bounced back! But I certainly haven’t. But these lovely compliments don’t make me feel good about myself because why should they? What should I look like? And why should my stretch marks and flabby tummy determine if I am a yummy mummy?
I’m sure they wouldn’t be calling me a yummy mummy on the days I don’t even wash my hair or get dressed properly and spend the day with baby sick and dribble all over me and having my hair pulled out! They’ve caught me on a day I’ve had time to put a little concealer on and a nice top to cover it all!
Stretch marks and baggy skin give you a yummy tummy!! You created a full human and your body received all these things to make your body stronger for your baby! Your baby obviously needed more room so it stretched your tummy for some more! We are all yummy mummies no matter how many bags under our eyes, flabby tummies, stretch marks, they’re all part the journey so let’s embrace them and celebrate that you’re a yummy mummy for creating a life! We all have good days, pretty days, lucky days but also have bad days, ugly days and shitty days. That’s okay, your bad days and spotty days and the days you don’t wear make up and make an effort don’t make you any less a beautiful mummy, because them things don’t make you a beautiful mummy! Just being a mummy makes you so beautiful.
What do we do to deserve the title? What award to we receive? Well I’ll tell you the answer… Your beautiful child. They make you deserve the title, they are the reward, they make you a yummy mummy.
Be wise and knowledgeable with what you see on social media, high waisted tights and pants and dressing well can be deceiving in a sense that their post partum body looks perfect. Majority of us all have rolls and stretch marks, it’s just part of life and being a mummy. Obviously we all dress well to feel good and look good but just don’t let it put you down! There is not such thing as a perfect post partum body or mother, so let others inspire you!
I want to change my stretch marks and loose skin so so bad but what for? It does not have an impact on any other areas of my life other than my own perception of perfect and wanting to look like others who don’t have them! We need to stop thinking others are lucky if they have’t received them, we need to stop feeling ashamed and gutted if we do! If you didn’t/don’t get them great. If you do, great, so what? You’re just as worthy and as a good as the mother who didn’t receive stretch marks and loose baggy skin.So STOP hiding your stretch marks and loose skin NOW! Embrace them! Normalise them! They make you a yummy mummy.
Let me know what you think by commenting on here, visit the contact me page or my instagram x