This has to be the best play dough recipe ever!
So natural with such a great texture and smells amazing.
So here’s how to make it..
You will need the following ingredients;
One cup blueberries -I used ones that were not longer edible
340g plain flour
85g salt
1 1/2 Tbs cream of tartar
1 tbs vegetable oil
240 mls boiling water
5 drops of lavender essential oils (optional)
Purple glitter (optional)
Fresh lavender (optional but if you use lots it adds to the sensory experience)
Step one – add all the dry ingredients and mix.
Step two – add the vegetable oil
Step three – pour the blue berries into water and boil in a pot for approx 5 mins. I did give them a stir and squashed a few.
Step four – using a sieve separate the blueberries from the water. I also squashed them to squeeze out as much juice as possible.
Step five – add some lavender essential oils to the berries about 5 drops if you wish.
Then add to the dry mixture (please not this will be very hot so not suitable for a child to do and I would not allow a child to touch the dough till it cools a bit)
Step six – after mixing with a spoon and its cool enough to handle, knead the mixture. It will be sticky but don’t be tempted to add more flour as it will improve as you knead it.
We then added some fresh lavender from the garden.
Isabella also wanted to add sparkles so we added some purple glitter to one half. 

If you give it a try we would love to see. You can tag us @my_three_little_strawberries or use the hashtag #mythreelittlestrawberries
We look forward to seeing all your photos.
Written My Three Little Strawberries.
You can follow her on Facebook and Instagram!