So it was finally time for the lil one to have his grommets fitted yesterday so he had to have a short general anaesthetic.
He absolutely smashed his stay, he did so well and was only upset when he woke up because he was hungry and thirsty and wanted #boobymilk #breastfeedingmama We were discharged in time for a chippy tea!
Things were going well until his brother pushed him and he bit clean through his lip. Cue a huge panic from me and his dad about what on earth to do whilst trying to console him, some time later after being called back by 111 she advised us to go back to hospital to a and e to get it seen to but by then he was exhausted and just wanted to go to bed, the bleeding had pretty much stopped and it looked neat and clean so it seemed more sensible to let him to go bed and just keep checking on him. Of course he was fine, just likes terrifying us!!
Being a parent is definitely the scariest time of our lives!
Today he’s been fine, his ear has been bleeding a bit but was told that’s normal. Will give you all an update when we know if its helped him to hear!
Zebra mumma