How are you finding half term with your little ones?
If you’re struggling to keep them entertained, you’re not alone. It can be pretty hard to keep our little dynamos occupied when they’re not at nursery or school! To help everyone out, we’ve handpicked our favourite ideas and deals to help you to make the most of what is left of your half term.
Arts and Crafts
Arts and crafts are a great way to spend time with your little one over half term! They’re inexpensive, engaging and can be educational too, and luckily, we have some super creative guest bloggers who’ve shared some wonderful ideas with us here. We hope that these inspire you!
Find the Under The Sea Sun Catchers Tutorial here.
Find the Ocean Sensory Tray Tutorial here.
Find the Sensory Box tutorial here.
Find the DIY Dinosaur Fossil Play Dough tutorial here.
Cooking & Baking
Getting messy in the kitchen is another great and inexpensive half term activity – as well as yummy! There are so many delicious things that you can try – these tutorials are the favourite amongst our parenting community, and we’re sure your little ones will love these too.
Find the spinach crisps tutorial here.
Find the banana muffin tutorial here.
Find the dinosaur banana pop tutorial here.
Find the slushie tutorial here.
Outdoor Activities
Ok, so with all of the storms and flooding at the moment, some of you may be reluctant to get outdoors – we can’t blame you! However, the benefits of outdoor play and exposure to mud are something you should consider, and we’re sure your little ones won’t object to getting mucky and having a wonderful time in the great ourdoors!
Read ‘Why You Should Embrace Your Child’s Love For Dirt’ here.
Read more about the benefits of outdoor play with ideas here.
Read our springtime play ideas here.
Why not grab yourself a bargain family day out? We’ve found some bloomin’ marvellous deals here… You could spend the day somewhere wonderful, and finish off with a slap-up family meal, for a fraction of the normal cost!
Visit Dudley Zoo as a family with up to 49% discount here*!
Visit the cinema as a family for a bargain price here*!
Go paintballing with the family at a 95% discount here*!
Eat at Frankie & Bennies with up to 55% off here*!
Local Facilities
Most towns will have local facilities that you can use for free or at a low cost over the half term holidays, they’re well worth looking into as you just might find a gem…
Why not check out…
- Your local library – maybe even join!
- Local soft play centres
- Local baby/toddler groups. Facebook is a great place to find these.
- Your local swimming baths
- Local parks – you could aim to visit a different one each day
- Local woodlands and go on a bug hunt
- Local National Trust properties to visit
Visit your local council website to see what they have on this half term!
What are you getting up to this half term? Let us know in the comments!
Love from Katie & Team BBY.
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