Are you a parent blogger looking to get some more exposure for your content? Or perhaps someone who has a story to share, or a cause to raise awareness of?
We have you covered with our fabulous blogging community! Guest content is at the heart of what we do; we love to showcase the talent of our followers, and in turn you can get your blog out there as we’ll share with our followers on our social media too. Our Facebook page has close to 500,000 followers and a weekly post reach in the millions, so this is a valuable opportunity.
If you’re interested in joining our guest blogging community, here’s a few things you should know first;
All guest content we feature is replicated onto our site, with relevant links included to your original blog and social media links.
We’re happy to remove guest content if you wish, as ownership remains with you.
We will correct typos as standard, but if we feel that submitted content needs too much work to correct, we won’t be able to feature it until it’s been edited.
We can’t feature any content with your own affiliate links in, as we have our own affiliate links on our website, but it doesn’t matter if there are affiliates elsewhere on your site.
We’re UK based, with a predominantly UK audience, so all content needs to come from UK based bloggers.
We can’t feature content promoting a business/brand that you own or benefit from promoting, but if you have content like this elsewhere on your site, that is fine.
We’re a trademark company and as such, we have to ensure we provide the most up to date information; we can’t feature content that goes against official NHS/WHO etc guidance or that is too controversial in theme.
If you’re happy to proceed, fantastic! Here’s how it works;
We’re aiming to post 3 guest blogs a day. I’ll try to get your submitted content on site as fast as possible, but it may take a few days. I’ll try to give you an indication.
Once your guest blog has appeared on our site, it will likely be featured on our business page the next day or the day after – feel free to contact me to clarify, my schedule can change suddenly.
Your guest blog will also be featured on our Twitter, Pinterest, and potentially our Instagram too!
For faster shoutouts for content and collabs, join our network here!
What we need from you;
A link to any posts you’re interested in us featuring (any number), or if you’d like me to pick, let me know.
A link to any social media accounts you’d like us to add in.
Permission for me to set up a profile for you on our website, so that I can change the ‘Written by’ header to your name from the default ‘bump, baby & you’.
A short bio about your blog that you’d like us to feature.
Please email [email protected] if you’d love to take part!
Love from Katie. Xx